lunes, junio 13, 2005

Seaboard Got It: Will You Get It?

© José Antonio Vanderhorst Silverio, PhD
Interdependent Consultant on Electricity
Promoter of Customer Oriented Electricity

Seaboard Generation’s head, Mr. Armando Rodríguez, made a comment related to "Resaltando Sutilezas Sobre Centrales a Carbón #6." He is 100% in accord with that message, particularly with respect to the redefinition of the electricity business. Please read his full comment at the message on this blog.

We need leaders, like Armando, to transform for the good the electricity business in the Dominican Republic. Selling electricity to the government should become a thing of the past. We need a CNE doing its real job, which for now is making sure that a valid consensus, that increases the welfare of the country, is arrived at. We are waiting to start The Pending Task to get in the right direction.

We need also that SIE become (independent and) interdependent, with leaders in every key position, to make sure that the correct short and long run signals are received by the potential investors. Such signals will lead to pro-reform investors that will get it.

Last, but not, least, we need that the IMF, the WB, and IADB, become interested in the fundamental reform of the electricity sector of the Dominican Republic. There are great opportunities waiting in the demand side: Retail Marketing, Demand Response, and Energy Efficiency. Please help us develop a successful turn around! That is a win-win proposition that will let your recoup your investments sooner, if at all. We really need that the multilaterals get it first.

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