sábado, agosto 27, 2005

Vanderhorst Genealogy

Vanderhorst house, Kiawah, S.C.
The dominican Vanderhorst came from the United States sometime around 1860. There is some evidence that Peter Richardson Vanderhorst was the son of the Arnoldus Vanderhorst II. Arnoldus was the Governor of South Carolina 1794-96, for the Federalist Party. The story goes as follows:

Toward the end of his life, Arnoldus manumitted seven slaves: Hagar Richardson and her three children, Sarah, Eliza, and Peter, as well as three additional slaves, Stepney, Molley, and Peter. Money was set aside to care for Hagar and her children and one of Hagar's children, Peter, legally took the Vanderhorst name upon reaching the age of 28. There is some evidence that at least Peter was a mulatto son of Arnoldus.
Vanderhorst genealogy was compiled by Mario Karrel Vanderhorst in Switzerland. In the genealogy, we refer to Peter Richardson Vanderhorst as Peter Richardson Vanderhorst II, since the father of Hagar was the other Peter that Arnoldus manumitted.

Peter II vino a República Dominicana, desde New York, acompañado de dos hijos: Peter III y William Henry. Peter Richardson Vanderhorst III fue un soldado Restaurador de nuestra Patria, un educador de la juventud de su época, un destacado munícipe de su pueblo adoptivo, un digno representante de su comunidad ante el Congreso Nacional, un guía espiritual de su congregación religiosa y, finalmente, un padre de familia ejemplar, según nos cuenta Pedro Bartolomé Benoit Vanderhorst.

1 comentario:

Cámara d Comercio Colombo Dominicana dijo...

De Un Vanderhorst en Latino Amèrica. Me alegra que el rico e historico pasado de nuestra familia se encuentre en la Red. Tambien felicito al primo Andres por su brillante exposiciòn.
Luis U. Lopez Vanderhorst
Bogotà, Colombia.