lunes, septiembre 08, 2008

EWPC Blog's First Year Anniversary: Electricity for the Digital Era

EWPC First Year Anniversary: Electricity for the Digital Era

About the same time energy costs stop declining, year alter year, more than 40 years ago, information costs have been declining following Moore’s Law.

When information transaction costs were prohibitive and customers could be classified into neat customer classes, like residential, commercial, industrial, the price control business model was readily justified.

Today, on the digital age, those two assumptions don’t hold at all. Information costs as shown cell phone technology are cheap and customers needs vary widely. As energy costs are exceedingly expensive, customers need to be able manage such costs under a competitive marketplace and under prudential regulations to allow for the development of business model innovations without price controls.

Electricity Without Price Controls will enable fully functional competition on wholesale and retail.

On the digital age that we are living today, price controls by government regulators should be forbidden by an EWPC EPAct..

A whole year of article said it all.

First 45 EWPC Blog Articles

This collection of the links, date/time stamp, and introductory words of the first 45 EWPC Blog articles is available as an alternative source to the EWPC Blog. I believe that every article can... [Read More]

Second 45 EWPC Blog Articles

This collection of the links, date/time stamp, and introductory words of the second 45 EWPC Blog articles (46-90) is available as an alternative source to the EWPC Blog. I believe that ev... [Read More]

Below you may find the last set of 31 EWPC articles posted.

01. How to Make Obama's Green Dream a Reality

The answer to the transition to "the actual challenge of overhauling the entire U.S. power sector, which is still overwhelmingly dependent on coal, natural gas, and nuclear power," has ...
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02. Forget Decoupling Under Price Controls

Having won Bill Clinton plenty of accolades, the artificial decoupling of electricity sales and utility profits works. However, such regulated decoupling has an insidious secondary effect... [Read More]

03. Are Vertically Integrated Utilities and/or Regulators Worried?

The EWPC article Let’s Avoid Many Expensive Fiascos seems to have worried vertically integrated utilies and/or regulators as it became delete target attack today. The energy stories Managing... [Read More]

04. Let’s Avoid Many Expensive Fiascos

There is no need to cite any evidence “to enable a highly competitive, pro-consumer, complete and fully functional market architecture and design paradigm shift.” What is needed is to have... [Read More]

05. Is Gore's Revolutionary Leadership Challenge Feasible?

Al Gore leadership challenge is based on leading expert advice. EWPC is the first holistic step ready to be implemented in an Energy Policy Act that satisfies the non-trivial power system requirements... [Read More]

06. Campaign for Fair Electricity Rates

The EWPC EPAct is a sensible contribution to provide fair electricity prices to customers. Things have gone horribly wrong in the power industry, because policy makers did not consider criti... [Read More]

07. EWPC EPAct will Provide Fair Electricity Prices

In accordance with the “Campaign for Fair Electric Rates, Coalition of Business, Consumer and Utility Groups Launch Major Initiative to Reform Electricity Markets (NOTE: This article link expire... [Read More]

08. Can the Power Industry Eliminate its Price Controls to the End Customer?

The dead-end of regulator’s capacity for price controls shows up once again, while modeling the Smart Grid business case. Under today’s EPAct, price controls are designed for simple prob... [Read More]

09. An Overdue Debate: Customers’ Price Controls

The regulation vs. deregulation discussion was about the wrong question. An undiscussed issue during the debate, price control is the key to a properly framed debate. As utilities keep wining rate c... [Read More]

10. To Congressional Requesters of Utility Oversight

Being unnecessarily flawed, and complex, today's EPAct causes its own crisis. Under those circumstances, FERC utility oversight will not be able to produce the expected results. What’s needed... [Read More]

11. EWPC Can’t Be a Market Winner

2GRs want to compete to develop market business model innovations for global retail market segments. On a given market segment, the market winner of the market vs. market competition ...
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12. Dialogue, Reliability/Ultraquality & What to do First?

To answer ‘What to do First?,’ a generative dialogue insight is that in the EWPC EPAct to be enacted, all market business models should compete in a truly open market (except from the co... [Read More]

13. Breakthrough Suggestions for Today's Utilities Environments

Business model competition for retail services is the key to a breakthrough in utilities services. Economies of scale and scope of electricity, gas and water will enhance their business models. The... [Read More]

14. Leadership Answers What to do First

The answer to the question of what to do first is for the global power industry to get out of the wrong jungle to produce a EWPC based EPAct as soon as possible. That is the kind of leadership neede... [Read More]

15. Giving Thanks to Ken Silverstein

Thanks to Ken Silverstein, EnergyBiz Insider Editor-in Chief, California like problems disappear, as transmission tightly integrated with physical distribution becomes transportation that gets help... [Read More]

16. The Electricity Revolution

Warren Causey is reporting a technological revolution in the power industry, which is ahead of legislative and regulatory uncertainty and is heading for a very costly dead-end. Utilities in the US a... [Read More]

17. Utilities and Regulators’ Value Destruction

Excessive marketing costs are identified by Marty Agius, under today’s regulations, which make utilities and regulators unable to add customer value as will be done under EWPC. Added to his ar... [Read More]

18. I Have a Dream Too

In memory of Dr. Martin Luther King. EWPC is about the liberalization of electricity markets, so customers have freedom of choice, fair and efficient prices, while the power system is planned, opera... [Read More]

19. EWPC’s Tipping Point

Aiming to be an irresistible article, it should help start a word-of-mouth epidemic of high proportions in the power industry. By respectfully exposing, and responding inquiries, the insidious power of IMEUC False Facts to obstruct progress, it is one of those little things that can make a big difference.
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20. IMEUC False Facts

Based on the article “The Power of False Facts,” readers need to be very aware of that power while reading those False Facts to be able to rate them as false. The following False Facts n... [Read More]

21. EWPC Leadership (w/o links)

This is a synthesis (without any links) of the EWPC breakthrough, which brings absolute clarity and direction to enable a cultural shift to the power industry of the third industrial revolution. Dem... [Read More]

22. Most Commented and Most Viewed

This is a take of a snapshot of today's EnergyBlogs stat. Most Commented (7 EWPC articles) Response to Professor Banks (46) IMEUC - Independent Market for Every Utility Custom... [Read More]

23. Missing From Gridwise

Missing from the GridWise approach is the need to restructure as soon as possible the power industry to eliminate the barriers imposed by "the lumbering old style utilities companies" and... [Read More]

24. Customer Reliability and System Reliability

Demand Integration is based on the fact that reliability has two sides: “On one side, system crashes are mitigated by a least cost mix of supply and demand risk management tools that may be ap... [Read More]

25. Well Beyond Low Reserves Managing

NONE of today’s utilities should be allowed to take as inevitable a bare bones approach to increase efficiency, introducing a high leverage shake-up to the industry. Unlike traditional utiliti... [Read More]

26. The Good, the Bad and the Ugly II

This follows up the comments on the EWPC article The Good, the Bad and the Ugly. I certainly agree with Warren Causey that the idea of demand response as a condition of service seems to be emerging. E... [Read More]

27. The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

The California commissioners need to shift their mindsets “to show that retail competition is not only possible, but absolutely necessary to turn the electricity industry into a vibrant value... [Read More]

28. High Leverage Shake-Up in California

California has a great opportunity to repair the damages of the BIG California LIE to the world. The CPUC can do it by introducing a high leverage shake-up of the power industry that results in a wi... [Read More]

29. The World Shouldn’t be Running Out of Electricity

According to Alan Caruba, America is running out of electricity, but in fact the whole world is running out of electricity by keeping in place several flawed or obselete market architecture and ...
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30. Global Citizens' Call to Arms

In the article "It may be lights out," Warren Causey suggests agreement with Marty Rosenberg’s article Energy and Presidential Debates by writing that “There are massive proble... [Read More]

31. Shrinking the Regulator’s Jobs

There is a need for a shared vision to restructure the power industry, shrinking regulators jobs to price controls of the remaining transportation electric utilities and letting end-customers make t... [Read More]