First update. On the first definition of the #MiddleClassIndignados. Earlier than this post (and mentioned at the very end of it) is the post Would middle-class 'indignados' prefer direct democracy? Even thought there are several blog posts in Spanish, I suggest that this two posts might sufice for the time being to define what Middle Class Indiginados are.
On the 1st definition of #MiddleClassIndignados #OWS #15M @occupy @OccupyWallStNYC for @WorldBank @IMFNews at Peru
— Jose A Vanderhorst S (@gmh_upsa) October 5, 2015
Why global Middle-Class Indignados should unite to demand strategies of trajectory
Whether in the European Union, in the U.S. Congress, in the IEEE, in the Electricity Pact of the Dominican Republic, of which I have been writing about, and in all institutions that are against Middle-Class Indignados, should help them unite all over the world. Such union is to demand at the very beginning strategies of trajectory that enable the institutional innovation that Hagel and Seely Brown have been suggesting, that "allows organizations to rearchitect themselves to scale learning and generate richer innovations at other levels, including products, business models, and management systems [1]."
While traditional economists develop their advice, based on decreasing return economics, under the assumption of the existence of one and only one path under a strategy of terrain, W. Brian Arthur had shown more than 20 years ago the existence of several path dependencies [2] that allows to say that current strategies of terrain, to operate under positive feedback environments of increasing returns, have already phase-locked themselves into inferior solution paths against Middle-Class Indignados. The availability of such positive feedback is another confirmation that we live in the systemic civilization.
That’s why traditional industrial civilization economists, like Thomas Piketty [3], are able to mistakenly restrict themselves to document huge inequalities for the 21st century, to show how the rich is becoming richer and the poor poorer, without telling us what to do. In contrast, strategies of trajectory should be the leader’s responsibility to enable the best solution path available. One of those superior solution paths is already available; for example, by following the post See how the Dominican Electrical Pact may collapse inequality by leaping capitalism from Good to Great. Not necessarily completely different from the first example, another superior solution path is the one that positively responds to the post Would middle-class 'indignados' prefer direct democracy?
[1] John Hagel III and John Seely Brown (2013), Institutional Innovation, Deloitte University Press.
[2] Arthur, W. Brian (1994), Increasing Returns and Path Dependence in the Economy, Ann Arbor, Michigan: University of Michigan Press.
[3] Thomas Piketty (2014), Capital in the Twenty-First Century, The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press