viernes, julio 06, 2012

Systemic leverage to economies via their electric link

First update. The following comment is from the original EWPC Blog.


As a response to a private commnet, please take a look a the new post "Systemic leverage to economies doesn't depend on climate change ( )."
Jose Antonio Vanderhorst-Silverio

What follows is an edited translation of the article Apalancamiento sistémico de economías vía su eslabón eléctrico, posted today on Please considered it as a follow up to the post What Would Steve Jobs Do About Energy Innovation?

In the U.S., Europe, and the Dominican Republic, legal restrictions on the architecture framework of the electricity industry seem to doom to fail their economies. To bring the industry to "where the magic happens," I suggest here a small model change that facilitates great results by effectively opening wholesale and retail markets (maintaining networks regulated) to innovators like Steve Jobs.

The subtitle of the story Tumbling towards the summit, of The Economist magazine, says "Europe is trying to deal with the euro crisis one problem at a time. That approach is doomed to fail." The introduction added," [a] system is only as strong as its weakest point. Reinforcing one link in the chain exposes the vulnerability of the next. The euro zone is now so fragile in so many places that if the single currency is not to break apart, Europe must set about redesigning the system as a whole. "

By redesigning the entire economy system, it is very important to use the systemic leverage, small changes in key links, for example, in electricity, which produces great results. Thus, the result of the chain will be superior to the result of the sum of the contributions of the links.

Despite the large differences in their economic crises, the non-systemic European approach is essentially the same as it legally restricts innovations in the U.S. and Dominican electric sectors. As we shall see, what is needed is a systemic leverage as the one Steve Jobs defined to take Apple to the first place in its sector.

To address these crises, I repeat that I loved a graph I saw on Facebook that has a small and a large circle that are separated. The small one says "your comfort zone" and the other "where the magic happens." While the non-systemic approach remains in the "comfort zone," the systemic approach leads to "where the magic happens."

In a world used to saying yes to the electric power industry to legally leave it in their "comfort zone," that yes keeps pushing us into bankruptcy. While Apple was on the verge of bankruptcy, Steve Jobs defined that "focus is about saying no." I interpret that Jobs could easily left the "comfort zone" for Apple and focused himself to go to "where the magic happens." Jobs explained his idea in this video.

In another brief video, Jobs described his vision of the world. I interpret the "comfort zone," like living the world without bashing into the walls too much; trying to have a nice family life, have fun, save a little money. I also interpret that for Jobs the "comfort zone" is a very limited life, as it is the electricity industry to the economies.

Jobs added that life can be much broader once you discover one simple fact, and that is everything you find around you, that you call life, was made by people that were not smarter than you. He believed that you can change it, influence it and build your own things that others can use. Once you learn that, you will not be the same again. I interpret that it suggests that to get out of the crisis we need to go to "where the magic happens" in the electric power sectors.

The architecture frameworks of the electricity sectors, kept by force in the "comfort zone," like Apple before the return of Jobs, make the outcome of the whole economy less than the sum of the work of each of its parts. To achieve systemic leverage throughout the economy, I suggest legislation to take the electricity sector to "where the magic happens.”