As you will see, moving from the regulated Space A to the regulated Space C involves a very large undertaking, while moving from Space C to Space to D no such a large one. The regulated (Space C: see page 11 of Spot Pricing of Electricity) “energy marketplace involves the utility and its customers operating as partners… Utility implementation concerns include real-time calculation/prediction of hourly spot prices, metering-communication-billing, and system control center operation using the new control signal called price… customers who choose to exploit the energy marketplace potentials must implement the appropriate response systems (today demand response), which could range from simple manual response to sophisticated digital controls.”
Among the thing that I have done is recognize that Space C is no longer advisable and that all of the retail activities, including CIS, AMI, etc. should belong to a competitive entity. This is what I said then:
My hypothesis is that time and reality are given us the opportunity to bypass Space C and go directly to Space D. It does not make any sense today to develop a Regulated Spot Price Based Energy Marketplace. It does not make any sense either to stay at Space A. Maybe my contribution, if there is one, is recognizing that a very simple restructuring, which keeps the wires utility out of the competitive business, creates an opportunity for retail marketers to develop the Deregulated Spot Price Based Energy Marketplace. That I suggest is the required change in firm organization that goes satisfies the control scheme, on the need to develop the corresponding innovative business models.By the way, on 1.7.06, Fred said: “Sorry José, but you'll have to take this discussion up with somebody else.” I am glad that you would like to take it from the faulty end of the deregulation spectrum.
What should have emerged in the 90s is still waiting to emerge, except that now the 2005 Energy Bill favors Demand Response. Most of the damage done seems that it cannot be undone. Experts, like Jack Casazza, claim that the agreements of the “weird sort” (Fred’s term) are like scramble eggs, which can be unscrambled. However, new developments as those reported by David Cay Johnston that says “A federal appeals court yesterday called into question the government’s efforts to change the power industry into a more competitive business, ruling that national energy officials abdicated their responsibility to ensure fair electricity markets,” may help unscrambled them.
You are really a late comer. In the past year I have written comments at length in support of EWPC in EnergyPulse. I suggest that you take your time and read as much as you can to get up to speed.
Don’t forget the most important rule of the generative dialogue: you are not your opinion. This of course applies to me and everybody else too.
José Antonio
© 2006. José Antonio Vanderhorst-Silverio, PhD