Thank you very much to FUNGLODE's Campus Virtual for helping increase the visibility of the Electricity Without Price Controls Architecture Framework (EWPC-AF), by elevating one of its key introductory article States that Implement a Heterogeneous Grid are Poised to be the Winners to a featured discussion.
I take the opportunity to highlight that the EWPC-AF started to emerge in 1995, in response to a request by the National Private Business Council (CONEP) on how to solve the Dominican electricity crisis. My initial proposal became NECESIDAD DE UNA POLITICA INTEGRAL DE ELECTRICIDAD PARA LA REPUBLICA DOMINICANA , which was fleshed out in 1996, as one of the three action plans for the main priority of electricity included in the "Agenda Nacional de Desarrollo (Vol. II).
During the emerging process of developing the global holistic EWPC-AF, the highly prestigious IEEE Power & Energy magazine published the article a Dominican strategy: Customer-oriented risk management. To see a collection of articles and presentations, please go to the section “EWPC Evolution” in the Grupo Millennium Hispaniola Blog.
The most recent post in the EWPC Blog is Unleashing Design Thinking in the Power Industry by Reframing, posted on March 8, 2010. That post says the following:
Design Thinking demand side radical disruptive innovations to the power industry at the "fuzzy front end" are facilitated with a paradigm shift from the obsolete, dysfunctional, and highly complex Investor Owned Utilities Architecture Framework and its incremental extensions, to the emergent, design-friendly, holistic, and simplified Electricity Without Price Controls Architecture Framework (EWPC-AF).
The EWPC-AF concentrates in what Richard Buchanan calls “fourth-order design (organization - design of systems, environments and culture),” instead of “first-order, second-order or third-order design (communication - design of language and symbols; construction - design of tangible objects; or interaction - action and behavior),” which will be unleashed by complementary Design Thinking to act on the paradigm shift.
To learn about the EWPC-AF, please take a look at the EWPC Blog. Right now, there are more than 200 posts, more than 800 comments, and more than a total of 500,000 views. To get an idea, please take a look at the three most recent posts, which are hyperlinked to other posts:
Another Institutional Memory Warning: Do today's power grids have little centralized control?
A Single System & the Enterprise War
Huge Value Destruction as Disruptive Technologies Impact the Smart Power Service
Please get involved to help breaking the huge inertia of the status quo. I am wide open for suggestions.
José Antonio Vanderhorst-Silverio, Ph.D. - LinkedIn