miércoles, diciembre 02, 2009

Smart Grid 2.0

Jesse Berst has written the interesting comentary Web 2.0? Try Smart Grid 2.0 in SmartGridNews.com, which I responded with two comments so far as follows (edited to add hyperlinks):

Second Generation Retail and Prosumer Markets

Thank you Jan for your question "Fascinating breakthrough. Is this the opportunity that could open the second generation retail and prosumer markets?" It gets us out of the wireless communications and into the emerging electric power markets.

For about 100 years the power industry has been working under the Investor Owned Utilities Architecture Framework.

Following a suggestion of Jesse Berst, who browsed my blog, which has close to 200 entries, I recently wrote the article "The Electricity Without Price Controls Architecture Framework." Its summary is:

A new approach to power energy policy design, based on system’s architecting heuristics, has led to an emerging simplified synthesis of the power industry regulatory policy. Instead of undergoing business as usual regulatory proceedings, the approach to the Electricity Without Price Controls Architecture Framework is poised to replace the Investor Owned Utilities Architecture Framework and its incremental extensions that have evolved by analytic patchwork as a extremely complex system.

To read it, please google the title or go directly to www dot energyblogs dot com / ewpc

Enabling the $4 trillion opportunity

Jesse writes that "... with its just-announced GridRouter developed in partnership with Duke Energy, SmartSynch is trying to do for the Smart Grid what the router did for the Internet – which means allowing any device to connect with any other device over any carrier."

Missing from the analogy is the fact that the Smart Grid high level power industry policy is under a flawed architecture. In other words, it is a dead end.

To enable such huge opportunity, the power industry needs a strong shift in the architecture framework. Next are two quotes from the article I mentioned above (which a this time has 9 comments) in response to Jan Herder's post:

"The EWPC-AF is a two tiered architecture that greatly simplifies regulations. The first level is an intermediate architecture aimed for an energy policy act, which separates the whole emergent complex system into two less complex systems. Those systems are highly cohesive with lightly coupled interfaces among them..."

"The second level architecture is reserved for proprietary architectures for open systems under the leadership of 2GRs. Most value creation will be the result of an architecture competition centered on the Silicon Valley Model, which will lead to the final architecture of the EWPC Smart Grid, which is just one of the disruptive components of the whole."

SmartSynch GridRouter is not a whole product for the power industry. It is a potential disruptive component of a competing architecture of a Second Generation Retailer (2GR) ongoing business models (In the article mentioned above, there is a link to the EWPC article The Sixth Disruptive Technology – 4220 views so far). Other competing architectures may for example be developed using CISCO's routers as a component.