lunes, mayo 04, 2009

Sent eMail: The Necessary Revolution

Dear leaders,

The question “Can Technology Save the Economy?” was wisely reinterpreted by Bill Sweet as “Can the Stimulus Bill both Stimulate and Transform?” in the IEEE Spectrum’s Energy Wise Blog. Such a reinterpretation and my post under’s comment Incremental innovation (controlled by entrenched) led me to comprehend that reform “transformation” (incremental innovation controlled by IOUs) is just not going to work.

As IOUs keep entrenched, the only way out to introduce the overdue fundamental structural radical “transformation” is spelled out by M.I.T. professor Peter Senge el al in their book “The Necessary Revolution: How Individuals and Organizations Are Working Together to Create a Sustainable World.” Thus the latest EWPC article posted is Can EPRI Professionals Get Out of the IOUs Box to Join the EWPC Necessary Revolution?

Best regards,

José Antonio Vanderhorst-Silverio, PhD.
Systemic Consultant: Electricity.
BS ´68, MS ´71 & PhD ´72, all from Cornell University.
Valued IEEE Member for 38 Years.
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Research and practice areas, and interests: Electricity Without Price Controls; Systems architecture; Systems thinking; Retail marketing; Customer orientation; Information systems requirements and design; Market rules; Contract assistance.