Sorry Perhaps…and Zeral! JHV is not ignorant. He is just way behind the times: this country is already regulated as a 3rd world country, under an obsolete price control business model.
According to the Galvin Electric Initiative “The Electric Power System Is Unreliable: The U.S. electric power system is designed and operated to meet a “3 nines” reliability standard. This means that electric grid power is 99.97 percent reliable. While this sounds good in theory, in practice it translates to interruptions in the electricity supply that cost American consumers an estimated $150 billion a year… In other words, for every dollar spent on electricity, consumers are spending at least 50 cents on other goods and services to cover the costs of power failures.”
The U.S., and all of today’s 3rd world countries, however, has the opportunity to get out of the worst nightmare by restructuring to an EWPC EPAct to allow business model innovations based on the emergent order. See my post “Steven Chu: Four Years of Low Hanging Fruits,” to learn what Dr. Chu needs to do fast.