Fourth update. Can the #RDUPSA solid framework change interdependence example that bring peace to #Venezuela and constitutional legitimacy in #Spain for #Catalonia? The EWPC-AF is what supports the Dominican Republic Without Blackouts (#RDUPSA - Un País Sin Apagones) framework change that is a sustainable instance of the #BrightGlobalization that sets the example of economies of scale on the demand side as a result of the #ComputingBigShift that enables interdependence pattern change for peace in Venezuela and for constitutional legitimacy in Spain for Catalonia, as opposed to the Pacto Eléctrico which is an unsustainable instance of the March of Folly of the #DarkGlobalization under the long gone economies of scale of the supply side. All that is supported greatly from two Medium stories and all three updates and the initial text of this post that are must read integral parts of this update for decision makers.
The first Medium story is #USA’s voters are in the best position to start to reverse the global immigration crisis of September 11, 2017. Its introduction says:
As a follow up to the Medium story "Please help #USA be the #BrightGlobalization pioneer that creates the #SystemicCivilization," please also consider the introduction on the main shared image (that introduces two companion images below) that came in a tweet today September 11, 2017, in the tweet conversation TC1:
Based on the companion images on “The Principles of #Jobsism” and “On constitutional legitimacy models: Framework versus Skyskraper,” as opposed to #Spain’s voters that have a less legitimate constitution, #USA’s voters are in the best position to give the much needed #Jobsism example, that raises all boats all over the world in order to create the conditions that reverses the escalation of immigration, by being the first with the #LeapDACA movement to adopt this other framework model based on three knowledge flows Twitter hashtags that mutually reinforces each other that emerged in this tweet conversation TC1:
The second story is A larger than 10 min story on Why Hillary Clinton lost: she represented the #DarkGlobalization of September 14, 2017, whose introduction says:
This is an introduction on the opportunities that emerge with the #BrightGlobalization as opposed to the current problems of #DeGlobalization which enable Donald Trump Jr. to beat Hillary Clinton. It differs substantially from Hillary’s book “What Happened.”
In order to fully integrate those stories, I like to recall from its three updates and the main text as follows:
"Third update. Please falsify my TC1 claim to be the thought leader of #GlobalDebout" which no one has falsified.
Written well before the election of the United States, somehow most voters were not able to see either update.
"Second update. Can #USA2016 be reframed to fit the reality required by #GlobalDebout? posted on May 14, 2016,
"First update. To @FareedZakaria: ¿Are American elections and Global Debout ready for #DD_SM?," posted on April 19, 2016,
Finally, with #DD_SM as the direct democracy of systemic markets or sustainable markets that give economies of scale on the demand side as a result of the #ComputingBigShift, the Dominican Republic can give a successful pattern change example that fits the reality require by the Middle Class Indignados (#GlobalDebout) the world over, with respect to the negotiations that started yesterday in the Dominican Republic to bring peace to Venezuela and the ongoing crisis about the independence of Catalonia and Spain. Those pattern changes follow the Dominican Republic solid framework change I introduced in the initial text under "Please articulate the core idea of your work and describe how this idea is new or different from current approaches:
The need to leap from the industrial civilization (centered on the paradigm of independence) to what we (me and a few Twitter citizens) named as the systemic civilization (centered on the paradigm of interdependence). Such leap is based on a framework change that might start on the electricity sector to enable high green economic growth, for example, in the USA, Puerto Rico, Spain, Haiti, Dominican Republic, other countries, or any combination of them. This work started in 1996 addressing Dominican Republic electricity crisis. The main difference with current approaches is transition versus transformation. Transition, for example, is what’s driving the IEEE Smart Grid (more below) and even in the climate change COP21 Paris Agreement, where their ideas are based on the primacy of the parts, while transformation is based on the primacy of the whole.
In addition, this was my response under "What is your strategy for scaling the impact of your idea? What will be different in 5-10 years if you are successful?"
This is not a direct activity pilot, nor a change pattern pilot. It is a change framework pilot that is based on an action oriented scientific attitude and heuristic systems architecting though experiments that have play out on Twitter, that is now ready to be able to introduce systemic energy policy acts in selected places. Such policy act is based on the fair, complete an fully functional Electricity Without Price Controls Architecture Framework (EWPC-AF), which emerged increasing the architecting scope as to transform (no fix & maintain, develop, nor transition) not just the global electric power industry but in order to leap into a new equilibrium State and markets to leap to where the magic happens for great capitalism, which Carlota Pérez has described as a Golden Age. This will, for example, apply what Prahalad and Krishnan suggested in their book 'the new age of innovation:’ N=1 (one consumer experience at a time) and R=G (resources from multiple vendors and often from around the globe).The electric power industry tipping point will be overcome in less than 10 years.Third update. Please falsify my TC1 claim to be the thought leader of #GlobalDebout. My systems architecting synthetic claim on this 3 month old tweet conversation TC1, complemented here, is that all nations of the world need to transform to developing countries to change course towards The Wealth of Globalization, by having provided the key decisions of the best imperfect change available to what we call below Middle-Class Indignados (that set the aspiration of the poor), which is the same as Global Debout, that must love the transformation to concentrate on the transition:
That synthesis is part of the more than three months process of this long tweet conversation TC1, designed to help emerge that civilization, with the contributions of “Sophisticated minds invited to be part of the system in this tweet conversation.”
Having unveiled the most critical systems architecting strategic decisions, right now TC1 is getting close to 100 tweets, and no one as far as I know (it may be secret to some groups), has yet falsify any of my claims as to their validity. I hope to be given the opportunity to admit any error in order to continue what has become my life effort.
This is based on what is said in the following image:
Here is the access to article We need #3rdDegreeOfClarity #ReflexiveNews to replace #FakeNews.
My thought leadership will help emerge the transition to the Bright Globalization. This is part of a major Jobsism upgrade that is integrated in this posts and the next two that mutually reinforce each other, which are Minimalists governments with fair global free deregulated markets must arrive soon and Would middle-class 'indignados' prefer direct democracy?, where we once again follow Steve Jobs' quote from his first story of 12 years ago at Stanford University commencement address:
Again, you can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something – your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life.Based at least in those three mutually reinforcing post I have falsified the claim that there is no alternative to the Neoliberalism of The Wealth of Nations, which escalated into the The March of Folly of the Dark Globalization, that is being responded with very high risks of collapse of humanity, with nuclear or conventional wars, in Korea, Syria, and probably in Venezuela, with the wrong course towards the third Middle Ages.
By the way, the third Middle Ages replaces previous mentions of the second Middle Ages in this GMH Blog that emerged after the collapse of the Roman Empire thought to be as the first Middle Ages. The first Middle Ages I am referring now is related to the collapse of the Egyptian Empire which lead, for example, to the Greek Middle Ages.
In the case of Syria we discovered an important insight shown in the following image.
The above insight is well in line with the post on"Minimalist governments...," an institutional innovation, a model constitution for independent and interdependent countries is that of a minimalist global government with the migration of democracy towards an increased share of direct democracy anticipated in the post "Would middle-class..." that will support an entrepreneurial society of The Wealth of Globalization.
Contrary to the current situation of pushing emerging economies to follow developed economies of The Wealth of Nations towards collapse, both dependent and independent sovereign countries under The wealth of Globalization have the incentives to be pulled by win-win or o no deal decisions in due time that reduce their sovereignty to become interdependent to approximate its development in the Systemic Civilization.
Can #USA2016 be reframed to fit reality required by #GlobalDebout? @StopMordazas #EuropeIN— Jose A Vanderhorst S (@gmh_upsa) May 14, 2016
Excellent and timely blog post. Excellent for bringing out the potential to disrupt the "Comfort Zone" under crony (mediocre) capitalism to leap into "Where the magic happens" under of great capitalism, based on an application of Jim Collins' book Good (mediocre) to Great.First update. To @FareedZakaria: ¿Are American elections and Global Debout ready for #DD_SM? Whether or not the #GlobalDebout (a typo says #GlobalDebaut) international call, mentioned below, elects a framework change in favor of Direct Democracy Systemic Markets (#DD_SM), we suggest that American voters deserve to receive such a framework change call as soon as possible from the mass media that's no part of crony capitalism 'Groupthink.' The call is not in defense of any political party whatsoever. So we suggest the need to question, the Washington Post article In defense of the GOP, where Fareed Zakaria wrote that:
Timely for being in synchronicity (not synchronic) with GlobalDebout. I will use the late management guru Peter Drucker's 1994 article "The Theory of the Business," which I used today to write the blog post Votante: exige en tu país un gobierno basado en una teoría de negocio ajustada a la realidad, something like "Voter: required in your country a government based on a theory of business that fits reality." That is based in the last sentence of the introduction of the Drucker's article that says: "The assumption on which the organization has been built and is being run no longer fit reality."
Writing in the section "Preventive care," Drucker said "The second preventive measure is to study what goes on outside the business, and especially to study noncustomers." In that light, whether they see it or not, the Democratic Party is also under a strong disruptive attack. I will concentrate my comment on your section "Be discovery-driven" to wonder whether or not Trump is using an action oriented scientific attitude, which is about learning from the emergent future, as oppose to learning from the past as most human beings do today.
This comment is being repeated as "Second update. Can #USA2016 be reframed to fit reality required by #GlobalDebout?" of the (this same) post Can #GlobalDebaut international call concentrate on an Ashoka like solid framework change?, which has its "First update. To @FareedZakaria: ¿Are American elections and Global Debout ready for #DD_SM?" which ends as follows:
... what's not longer right in this period of big change is Clinton Rossiter quote that "... begins his classic book 'Parties and Politics in America' with this declaration: 'No America without democracy, no democracy without politics, no politics without parties.'” An update to the quote for American voters, that equates direct democracy with #DD_SM, and in fact for voters all over the world, to be polished if necessary by learning from the emergent future, might say: "No America without democracy,
To @FareedZakaria: Are #USA2016 elections & @GlobalDebout #15M ready for #DD_SM? #EuropeIN— Jose A Vanderhorst S (@gmh_upsa) April 19, 2016
Having recently discovered how the nomination process works in the Republican Party, Donald Trump is furious. “They wanted to keep people out,” he bellowed. “This is a dirty trick.” In fact, Mr. Trump is right on the first count and wrong on the second. Political parties do have mechanisms to “keep people out.” But far from being a trick, they are the crux of what makes parties valuable in a democracy.Of course his assumption that it is not a dirty trick is right, but what's not longer right in this period of big change is Clinton Rossiter quote that "... begins his classic book 'Parties and Politics in America' with this declaration: 'No America without democracy, no democracy without politics, no politics without parties.'” An update to the quote for American voters, that equates direct democracy with #DD_SM, and in fact for voters all over the world, to be polished if necessary by learning from the emergent future, might say:
"No America without democracy, representative and direct, no representative democracy without polítics and no direct democracy without entrepreneurship, no polítics without parties and no entrepreneurship without great talents."Can #GlobalDebout international call concentrate on an Ashoka like solid framework change?
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." -- Margaret Mead, American cultural anthropologist
We (me and a small select group of citizens from a few countries that have distributed and feed-backed my suggestions) find very timely and important the INTERNATIONAL CALL BY #NUITDEBOUT, whose text is copied below in order to try to upgrade it with a few observations in light of our humble experience that is represented at the end of this post, based on a recent nomination to the Ashoka Global Fellowship as an attempt to show our credibility. The main changes reframe the call for being mainly about liquid emotions, as the polish philosopher Zygmunt Bauman characterized the 15-M back in 2011, by saying it lacked the solid though that we claim is available in this blog background.
Can #GlobalDebaut @GlobalDebout international call concentrate on an @Ashoka like solid framework change? #EuropeIN— Jose A Vanderhorst S (@gmh_upsa) April 18, 2016
Dear @RogerLMartin: Can you see any possiblility of @TheElders and @GlobalDebout mutually reinforcing each other?— Jose A Vanderhorst S (@gmh_upsa) April 18, 2016
— ARMAK de ODELOT (@ARMAKdeODELOT) May 10, 2016
Retweeted Jose A Vanderhorst S (@gmh_upsa):— ARMAK de ODELOT (@ARMAKdeODELOT) May 10, 2016
Can #GlobalDebaut @GlobalDebout international call concentrate on an...
The first impression of the call seems that #NuitDebaut is committed to “Occupy the State,” as has been done in Spain and Greece, in contrast to the original 15-M spirit which was “Not to Occupy State.” In addition to a video, where “Ashoka Founder and CEO Bill Drayton explains how his organization uses unique measures of impact to gauge the work of their social entrepreneurship fellows. Drayton also discusses the differences between pattern change and framework change, and uses an example from k-12 education to illustrate the latter,” we repeat the Call with interspersed observations based on our experience:
We call on peoples movements across the world to mobilise for justice and real democracy on the 15 of May, 2016 for a #GLOBALDEBOUT. We invite you to come to Paris for an International Gathering of movements at Place de la Republic on May 7 and 8.
Observation 1. Real democracy has been thought to be only representative and participatory democracy that is part of the State, but a direct democracy of systemic markets has emerged to shift from the existing unsatisfactory anti-systemic State market equilibrium dominated by crony capitalism ‘Groupthink’ of the industrial civilization to the emerging equilibrium of the systemic civilization under great capitalism (more below).Today #46mars (April 15) is just two weeks after one million people mobilized in Paris and the movement Nuit Debout continues to grow. In numerous French and foreign cities, #Nuitdebout (Night on our Feet) is a light in the dark, it gives testimony to our hopes, dreams and common rebellions. Those who have taken the squares in the past and those who are taking them NOW: we know something is happening.
The struggle for a better world is Global and without boarders, let's construct together a global spring of resistance! Join to us on May 7th and 8th in Paris at Place de Republique to debate, to share our experiences and to begin to construct together common solutions. There we will strategise and prepare for an International day of Action on MAY 15th (#76mars). On this date we will occupy, mobilise and take direct action together across the world.
Observation 2. The time for resistance and debate based on the exclusive primacy of the parts can be upgraded to a time of proactive action and generative dialogue based on the inclusive primacy of the whole to start to co-create the systemic civilization as a mindset or framework change with energy policy acts that enable economic green growth that the serve as pattern changes and direct action later on in other sectors.Nuit Debout's first aim is to create a space for the 'convergence of struggles'. We hope this convergence will go beyond France and spread worldwide. There exist numerous links between social movements in all four corners of the world; from unemployment to the imposition of the financial markets, from the destruction of the environment to war and unacceptable inequality.
Observation 3. As the space for the convergence of anti-systemic struggles of the industrial civilization is based on the paradigm of independence, a global declaration of interdependence for the systemic civilization is critical to unite all social movements in all four corners of the world; from unemployment to the imposition of the financial markets, from the destruction of the environment to war and unacceptable inequality, which have a root cause on the global crony capitalism ‘Groupthink.’In response to a system based on competition and individualism, we answer with the solidarity, participatory democracy and collective action. Our differences are not a source of divisions, but rather our strength, as we complement each other struggles. We are neither listened nor represented by the current economic system.
Observation 4. As the anti-systemic existing market State equilibrium centered on short run financial capital and big government that is leading us to the Second Middle Ages has been erroneously interpreted as based on competition and individualism, form an industrial civilization paradigm perspective, the emerging market State centered on long run production capital will lead to the first Golden Age of the systemic civilization based on systemic competition and collaboration. In the new equilibrium every citizen has the opportunity to win (or there is no deal, as Steven Covey suggested) under great capitalism.Together we retake public space and politics because politics is a matter of all of us. Now is not the moment retreat, but to come together for change.
Observation 5. Concentrate on “Not to Occupy State” with mindset change starting supporting selected energy policy acts in specific locations, for example, USA, Spain and Dominican Republic.We are the 99 % and we are here to reject the financial and political rule of the 1 % and their world. We are here to take back our cities, our places of work and our lives.
Observation 6. Please adjust based on the first 5 observations.On May 7th and 8th, let's come together to Paris to the square of the Republic!
On the day of May 15 we will rise up together for a global day of action.
#NuitDebout everywhere! #GlobalDebout!
Nomination of José Antonio Vanderhorst Silverio to the Ashoka Global Fellowship
Please articulate the core idea of your work and describe how this idea is new or different from current approaches.
The need to leap from the industrial civilization (centered on the paradigm of independence) to what we (me and a few Twitter citizens) named as the systemic civilization (centered on the paradigm of interdependence). Such leap is based on a framework change that might start on the electricity sector to enable high green economic growth, for example, in the USA, Puerto Rico, Spain, Haiti, Dominican Republic, other countries, or any combination of them. This work started in 1996 addressing Dominican Republic electricity crisis. The main difference with current approaches is transition versus transformation. Transition, for example, is what’s driving the IEEE Smart Grid (more below) and even in the climate change COP21 Paris Agreement, where their ideas are based on the primacy of the parts, while transformation is based on the primacy of the whole.What is the main social problem this idea is attempting to solve? What is the impact of the problem and why does it persist?
The main social problem is soaring inequality, which is the result of global crony capitalism incomplete deregulation, which privatizes the benefits to those capitalists and their associates, whether they know it or not. This seems to have led to anti-systemic (not systemic, which have positive synergy, but contrary to system with negative synergy). The impact can be explain as heading to the Second Middle Ages, which persists by a strong global ‘Groupthink’ that involve most global institutions that negatively mutually reinforce each other to maintain the unsuccessful current equilibrium comfort zone of crony capitalismWhat is the scale of the impact of your work to date?
PilotWhat is your strategy for scaling the impact of your idea? What will be different in 5-10 years if you are successful?
This is not a direct activity pilot, nor a change pattern pilot. It is a change framework pilot that is based on an action oriented scientific attitude and heuristic systems architecting though experiments that have play out on Twitter, that is now ready to be able to introduce systemic energy policy acts in selected places. Such policy act is based on the fair, complete an fully functional Electricity Without Price Controls Architecture Framework (EWPC-AF), which emerged increasing the architecting scope as to transform (no fix & maintain, develop, nor transition) not just the global electric power industry but in order to leap into a new equilibrium State and markets to leap to where the magic happens for great capitalism, which Carlota Pérez has described as a Golden Age. This will, for example, apply what Prahalad and Krishnan suggested in their book 'the new age of innovation:’ N=1 (one consumer experience at a time) and R=G (resources from multiple vendors and often from around the globe).The electric power industry tipping point will be overcome in less than 10 years.Why are you personally dedicated to the issue? Please share relevant background, including: your history of entrepreneurship (including childhood years) and the life experiences and/or insights that led to your current path.
In the 1950’s, I spliced an analogue tape recorder’s tape and made a close loop with a message that repeated it endlessly and left the house. For a moment, my mother though that I had become crazy. In elementary school 6th grade’s final official math exam, my teacher didn’t understand a question that had a graph, which I explained to her, was a pie chart. I earned the first prize of an essay about a local personality, who happened to be the one my high school (one or two years later) had been named earlier. In my first two years in university, I earned Shell Co. prize as the best engineering student. As the university was closed down during a civil war in 1965, one of my professors, who happened to be a board member at the public power company, offered me a scholarship in electrical engineering if I was accepted in any of five prestigious universities in the US. Cornell University accepted me and I went on to get BS, MS, and PhD degrees. I realized recently that my professor is the reason why I have been dedicated to the issue which emerged as EWPC-AF. On May 2009, I applied to the “Contest for Innovation in Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency in Latin America and the Caribbean,” a program jointly sponsored and managed by three international organizations and the Inter American Development Bank (IADB), with the pattern change proposal which I translate as “A country without arbitrary power interruptions," which was submitted as “an organizational basic innovation (revolutionary) EWPC sustainable regulatory model.” The proposal was not even selected in the short list 250 out of 1000 proposals. In March 2011, playing as the EWPC-AF_Creator, I thought to have been the “All Around Winner of the Smart Grid 2025 Game.” Later I demonstrated the game was for a transition scenario to support the statu quo IEEE Smart Grid, when what’s required is a mindset changer transformation scenario like the EWPC-AF. In November 2012 I was accepted as the interim (first) Chair of the IEEE Dominican Republic Subsection, with an approved business plan of leaping it from Good to Great. The plan which would later lead to the transformation of the IEEE from Good to Great became bombarded by the corresponding Puerto Rico and the Caribbean Section and IEEE headquarters.