miércoles, mayo 27, 2009

Sent eMail: Will the US Stimulus Bill Prove the Savior for Nanotech?

Dear leaders,

Nanotechnology is one of the main keys to enable a virtuous circle with the solution to the systemic climate change and energy crisis the world is facing. Nanotechnology is a lot closer to commercialization than most people think and there billions of dollars available that they want to follow. To get an idea of the opportunities, please take a look at the IEEE Spectrum's Tech Talk commentary Will the US Stimulus Bill Prove the Savior for Nanotech?, under which I posted a comment.


José Antonio Vanderhorst-Silverio, PhD.
Systemic Consultant: Electricity.
EWPC’s System Architect
BS ´68, MS ´71 & PhD ´72, all from Cornell University.
Valued IEEE Member for 38 Years.
Follow on http://twitter.com/gmh_upsa
Research and practice areas, and interests: Electricity Without Price Controls; Systems architecture; Systems thinking; Retail marketing; Customer orientation; Information systems requirements and design; Market rules; Contract assistance.