sábado, diciembre 27, 2014

The 2 key minutes of a Steve Jobs' video interview on the origin of #Jobsism in 1990

This is how the PC was changing the world according to Steve Jobs in the above interview. We humans are tool builders... 1st explosion: VisiCalc spreadsheet on Apple II (in 1979)... 2nd explosion: big revolution in desktop publishing in 1985... 3rd explosion: interpersonal human to human networking computing started... the first two were the major revolutions that made people buy a lot of computers and he was expecting the 3rd was to do the same.

Here are the 2 minutes of the curated transcript on the origin of #Jobsism. Starting on the 6:01 line  and ending on line 8:04 of said transcript.
The third one is starting happen now.  And the third one let's do for human to human communication what spreadsheets did for financial planning and what desktop publishing did for publishing. Let’s revolutionize it using these desktop devices. And we're already starting to see signs of that. 
As an example in an organization we're starting to see that as business conditions change, faster and faster with each year, we cannot change our management hierarchical organization very fast relative to the changing business conditions we can’t have someone be working for new boss every week.  
We also can't change our geographic organization very fast. As a matter of fact, even slower than the management one. We can't be moving people around the country every week but we can change an electronic organization like that. 
And what starting to happen is we start to link these computers together with sophisticated networks and great user interfaces. We're starting to be able to create clusters of people working on a common task, literally in 15 minutes worth of set up and these fifteen people can work together extremely efficiently no matter where they are geographically and no matter who they work for hierarchically.  
And these organizations can live for as long as they're needed and then vanish and were finding we can reorganize our company's electronically very rapidly and that’s the only type of organization that can begin to keep pace with the changing business conditions. 
And I believe that this collaborative model has existed in higher education for a long time but we're starting to see it applied into the commercial world as well and this is going to be the third major revolution that these desktop computers provide is revolutionizing human to human communication in group work we call it interpersonal computing. In the nineteen eighties we did personal computing and now we're going to extend that as we network these things to interpersonal computing. 
A small bonus on the remainder of the interview on platforms.

Non perfect analogy: going from passenger trains to automobiles. Using computers without having to convince other people that we need to use the tool to control our own destiny.

NEXT was a whole new software platform made from the ground up. It was the 4th successful system after: 1) Apple II, 2) IBM PC and 3) Macintosh.

The doers are the major thinkers: the thinker-doer in one person is what enable the exceptional result.

As of 8:39 am, U.S. Eastern Time it has been seen 1,382,733 times.