domingo, julio 29, 2007


I wrote the followin post under the Energy Pulse article Do You Want to Increase Your Utility's Demand Response and Consider it as a Bigger Player in Resource Planning? - Part 1, by Michael O'Sheasy, Vice President, Retail Pricing and Solutions, Christensen Associates.

Very good first part Michael.

I have introduced a generative dialogue to learn the emergent market architecture and design of the power industry. In synchronicity to your article, I wrote before looking at your article the post EWPC a Customer Orientation which is also included in the post Solution to AMI's Intelligrid Dilemma. I will be expecting your second article with much interest.

In the first post I wrote (2GR is second generation retailers which I suggested earlier to differenciate with 1GR traditional retailers):

Integrating energy efficiency, demand response and other services with advanced metering to the homes makes a strong business case for 2GRs as the developer of integrated resources of the demand side. This is a change from a supply orientation with flip the switch service (exogenous demand) to a customer orientation.

Demand can thus become endogenous in power system planning, operation and control, completing a (demand vs. supply) fully functional market, with both wholesale and retail competition performed with 2GRs in the value chain from generation to customers.That is another angle of what I been calling EWPC.

Best regards,

José Antonio

Solution to AMI's Intelligrid Dilemma

I just posted a comment under the EnergyPulse article Just How Smart IS Your Smart Meter? Why Achieving the Intelligrid Should be Your Ultimate Goal, by Dave Turner, Senior Vice President, Energy Practice, Gestalt.

I find Dave's contribution visionary.

The dilemma for and against AMI innovation's timing is solved by restructuring. The "utilities have adopted a common argument against the implementation of Advanced Metering Infrastructures (AMI)," becomes a non-issue if Electricity Without Price Controls (EWPC) market architecture and design is the vision adopted. The concept of the utility becomes transformed to a wires only transportation utility, which will get “significant operational benefits that allow utilities to improve critical aspects of their internal operations.”

For more details on EWPC restructuring see the recent posts Synthesis Proposal Agreement of EWPC, Second Generation Retailer - 2GR, NERC Compliance and Power Sector Structure, and EWPC a Customer Orientation, all of which are part of an Ongoing Generative Dialogue in

EWPC a Customer Orientation

This is another post under the article The Next Innovation in Energy Efficiency - Extending Advanced Metering into the Home, by Jeff Lund, Vice President, Business Development, Echelon Corporation.

Hi Jeff and readers,

Thanks for your patience. I think the long discussion with Len, on whether retailers can be bypassed or not, has a high noise to signal ratio, which seems to be unproductive for the energypulse medium.

If retailers can or cannot be avoided remains a paradox for other readers, I want to know from a fresh perspective, but which I will not engage. I will consider the rear mirror debate (learning from the past) on retailers closed with my post of 7.28.07, going back to the possibility of a generative dialogue (learning from the emerging future).

Returning back to Jeff’s article and with a lot of respect for all readers, including Len of course, I suggest readers and the author to consider my post of 7.17.07 and my responses to Erich and Praveen, not as a position, but as to what seems to be emerging.

Integrating energy efficiency, demand response and other services with advanced metering to the homes makes a strong business case for 2GRs as the developer of integrated resources of the demand side. This is a change from a supply orientation with flip the switch service (exogenous demand) to a customer orientation.

Demand can thus become endogenous in power system planning, operation and control, completing a (demand vs. supply) fully functional market, with both wholesale and retail competition performed with 2GRs in the value chain from generation to customers.That is another angle of what I been calling EWPC.