Very good first part Michael.
I have introduced a generative dialogue to learn the emergent market architecture and design of the power industry. In synchronicity to your article, I wrote before looking at your article the post EWPC a Customer Orientation which is also included in the post Solution to AMI's Intelligrid Dilemma. I will be expecting your second article with much interest.
In the first post I wrote (2GR is second generation retailers which I suggested earlier to differenciate with 1GR traditional retailers):
Integrating energy efficiency, demand response and other services with advanced metering to the homes makes a strong business case for 2GRs as the developer of integrated resources of the demand side. This is a change from a supply orientation with flip the switch service (exogenous demand) to a customer orientation.
Demand can thus become endogenous in power system planning, operation and control, completing a (demand vs. supply) fully functional market, with both wholesale and retail competition performed with 2GRs in the value chain from generation to customers.That is another angle of what I been calling EWPC.
Best regards,
José Antonio