lunes, marzo 14, 2011

Please Play the Smart Grid Game on the Future of Electricity, Starting on Thursday March 17, 2011, at Noon

Dear leader,

I have good news for you about the emerging reality in the global electricity industry. To start getting in touch with it, please Listen to the podcast Planning the Smart Grid of 2025—Today. That is a very strong message that things can change for the better for customers and society as a whole, clearly only if we decide to participate.

As you will see, not only global issues, but also local issues are being asked for. I think that with at least 10 of us playing, we will show up in the game statistics, and even if we don’t make it, we will have a critical mass of representatives to tell our problems and see our opportunities reflected in what other countries representative will say while interacting with us. We should not miss this great and timely opportunity.

The future of electricity in the World has been organized as a game with the support of the IEEE Spectrum. In order to play, you, or someone you know, can register in by hitting Create Player. We need to be represented with professionals and citizens that are future oriented.

The game starts with a scenario which can be seen after hitting Play Intro Video. I suggest starting and stopping the video and taking notes of what you like and what you dislike about the scenario. That is the key reference for the game.

The game starts on Thursday, March 17th, at noon. Please take a look at the introductory video, before playing time to get familiar with the initial scenario. The starting question of the process is What do we need to do today to create the best possible future for the smart grid?

The game runs for a whole day, however, you can spend just a few minutes or many hours of play, depending of your level of interest. If you know someone that might be interested in playing, just forward this message to him or her.

Playing is easy. One way is to hit “Prepare for the Game How to Win.” Another way that gets you to the same place is , which also takes you to HOW TO WIN and QUICK CHALLENGES in the already mentioned webpage.

Please look also to “Get More Information - LEARN MORE,” that has the same content in the link "ABOUT" in the first line of the just mentioned webpage.

I understand that there is full confidentiality available for players by electing an appropriate username. If you need any additional information, please get in touch with me.

Best regards

José Antonio
José Antonio Vanderhorst-Silverio, PhD. @ Linkedin
Systemic Consultant: Electricity.
Creator of the EWPC-AF
BS ´68, MS ´71 & PhD ´72, all from Cornell University.
IEEE Life Member since Jan 1st. 2011
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Research and practice areas, and interests: Electricity Without Price Controls Architecture Framework (EWPC-AF); Business models, Systems architecture; Systems thinking; Retail marketing; Customer orientation; Information systems requirements and design; Market rules; Contract assistance.