“In order to do what we need to do today to create the best possible future plausible scenario for the smart grid, the emergent, inclusive, holistic, simple, and minimalist, Electricity Without Price Controls Architecture Framework (EWPC-AF) was shown to have what it takes, in at least four of the ten engagements, that mutually reinforced each other, initiated by the EWPC-AF_Creator. For that outlier performance, it deserves to be given an opportunity to be widely known all over the whole world. Denying it such opportunity I humbly understand would be unfair to humanity.”
That is the first paragraph of the letter that I sent yesterday morning in the GMH post The Electricity Without Price Controls Architecture Framework as a Plausible Scenario to Mr. Jake Dunagan, of the Institute For The Future (IFTF), who maybe was the Project Leader of the IEEE Spectrum’s Smart Grid 2025 Game. After listening to the interview of Jake Dunagan by Steven Cherry, I guess he was ending the project as is, due to the strong pressure he must have received during this past three weeks. I just don't see anyone in the IEEE completing his job.
Until proven wrong, I believe that there is a strong status quo pressure to continue with a Smart Grid scenario that was proven completely ineffective. I say that after more than two weeks without any guidance whatsoever to the posts that were made public. Only on April 4th, after I had generated key information on the process to keep it alive and to turned it around into a real success, Mr. Dunagan wrote a very brief comment that said: “FYI. The .csv file now links to a version with the column headers. Great work on the visualizations and analysis so far. Let’s keep ‘em coming.”
Given the history of my comments, that can be seen in the link http://blog.smartgrid2025.org/?p=209 , as being numbered by the blog as 45, 54, 72, 75, 80, and 84, it seems that a lot of private traffic went through, as the first comment was number 39. Was that traffic secret to keep the status quo in place?
At this moment, my last comment, which happens to be the above mentioned GMH post, number 88, is still awaiting moderation, being registered in the system on April 6, 2011 at 8:22 am. In that comment I claimed that “The day after tomorrow will be three weeks that the IEEE Spectrum Smart Grid 2025 game ended and with the analysis that I have supplied both the IEEE Spectrum and the IFTF now will have sufficient information to let the players and the world know the results.”
I just wish to be proven 100 percent wrong.