As @RVerganti quality collaborations enable direction change, do quantity collaborations make them worst? #EuropeIN
— Jose A Vanderhorst S (@gmh_upsa) July 13, 2015
@gmh_upsa ya formas parte de mi web
— AntonioVallejoChanal (@AntonioVChanal) July 13, 2015
That convergence is based on what Roberto Verganti wrote: "...when you need to set a new vision, reframe a problem, or search for a radical innovation, quantity will hardly help you find a direction." In fact, the main problem with the quantity collaborations being practice, for example, in Greece, is that by increasing the efficiency under reforms on a wrong direction it can only make matters worst.
First update: Should a quality collaboration Greek scenario be considered by EU leaders on Sunday? According to the New York Times story Greece Given Until Sunday to Settle Debt Crisis or Face Disaster, written by By ANDREW HIGGINS and JAMES KANTER, :“Nicolas Véron, a senior fellow at Bruegel, a research organization in Brussels, agreed that time was running out to keep Greece in the currency union. if that source of aid is ‘stopped and no agreement is in sight, it is difficult to imagine a scenario in which Greece stays in the eurozone for long.’”
@gmh_upsa Should a @RVerganti quality collaboration Greek @jhagel scenario be considered by EU leaders? #EuropeIN
— Jose A Vanderhorst S (@gmh_upsa) July 8, 2015
Here we imagine one scenario that fits the part of that story that says: " would upend one of the European Union’s fundamental principles, a commitment to “ever closer union” in place since 1957, and throw into reverse decades of steady integration." The scenarios discussed are generalized based on Roberto Verganti's Harvard Business Review Online blog post Quantity versus quality in collaborations, Verganti is the author of the book Design-Driven Innovation.
Interpreting what Véron argued as being difficult to imagine quantity collaboration, below are key elements of an imagined scenario for a quality collaboration, where wisdom governs rather than money. Such an scenario is mutually reinforced by the post Are you ready to take short term risks to help create the long term reward of the systemic civilization?
Is this how France is still pushing Money to govern? Should we pull Wisdom instead?
Next is a lightly edited comment that was originally submitted to the very timely and useful, and thus must read, story by Steve Denning on Forbes When Pension Funds Become Vampires:
Is this how France is still pushing Money to govern? Should we pull Wisdom instead? @stevedenning @jhagel #EuropeIN
— Jose A Vanderhorst S (@gmh_upsa) December 16, 2014
Should any country push Money or @jhagel pull Wisdom instead? @Forbes @stevedenning @Lazonick @RogerLMartin #EuropeIN
— Jose A Vanderhorst S (@gmh_upsa) December 18, 2014
“What does ‘capitalism’ mean when Knowledge governs – rather than Money?” – Peter Drucker
Dear Steve Denning,
While Europe may give the U.S. good lessons through Mittelstand companies, aren't those financial vampires set up in both Europe and the U.S. by government regulation in what have become mediocre markets? I understand that’s how Money governs.
What about true government deregulation that enables Wisdom (via Knowledge) to govern by shifting, for example, pension funds through deregulation out of the Financial Sector into the Creative Economy? That’s similar to what I been working on to try to get the retail and wholesale market (not the wires) side of the Electricity Sector out of the Traditional Economy into the Creative Economy.
See how France is still pushing for Money to govern. In the 3rd update to the blog post Why the Eurozone leaders must change their common sense first, it says that: “with a lot of respect to Mr. Jacques Atalli, we need to question what's written in Bloomberg's story Free Market Guru Attali Inspires Hollande’s New Economic Push, as being part of an obsolete common sense, which now emerged in the most popular GMH blog post (since at least May 2006) Applying #Jobsism to transform current global #Fordism marketing myopia.
The story is that what used to be free markets can now be considered mediocre unfair markets as Feudalism has corrupted Fordism. In order to enable great and fair great markets, for a socioeconomic pull (not push, as I learn from John Hagel) we need to change to the common sense of Jobsism, to pull Wisdom instead, as it is supported by the whole background nailed via Twitter on