The government is expected to publish a bill on Thursday after the supreme court said parliament must vote on whether to trigger article 50. Opposition parties and the Tory rebels are likely to push for the white paper to be published before parliament votes on the legislation.We have two key questions on the above: 1) Does the decision to leave the EU truly represent the will of the British people? And 2) Is the requested plan of action about change within The Wealth of Nations or a transformation to The Wealth of Globalization?
A Labour spokesman said: “We now want to see the timing and it is clear the white paper needs to come to parliament in time for the debate ... MPs have a right to be able to see what the government’s plan of action is. The speech is not adequate. It set out a wish-list of options.
“As we’ve said many times, Labour respects the decision of the British people to leave the EU and therefore will not frustrate the will of the British people. But respecting the will of the British people is very different from respecting the will of the British government. We need to see the plan and make sure the process is held to account in parliament at every stage.”
Might the British people request to suspend their will to leave the EU under a new referendum on The Wealth of Globalization that shifts the pressure to the EU? Without such institutional innovation, the British people were set up in Brexit on two options to remain under The Wealth of Nations which is beyond its useful life.
Under such set up representative democracy has vested interest in government regulation of supply side that no longer have economies of scale to stop or delay the migration to direct democracy of emerging self-regulating platform business models which have demand side economies of scale under The Wealth of Globalization.
With respect to the second question we suggest to learn about the difference between change and transfotrmation, for example, in the "Fifteen update. Is Donald Trump a disruptive transitional not transformational figure, as Katrina vanden Heuvel suggested?" of the post A Systemic Civilization Global Declaration of Interdependence