miércoles, octubre 15, 2014

A Jobsism agenda to stop shifting Eurozone's deckchairs

From a few explanations of the meaning of “shifting the deckchairs on the Titanic,” I find that “attempting to solve a serious problem with superficial or irrelevant actions,” synthesizes quite nicely with the story European policymakers split as triple-dip recession looms, by Marcus Walker and Anton Troianovski on the Wall Street Journal.

Such a split disappears once those policymakers realize that the “serious problem” they have is a set of systemic problems, which are mutually reinforcing each other, that have been generated by their own “superficial and irrelevant” financial capital actions. That can be inferred from the section “Will Germany, France and/or the United States of America be the leaders?,” of the article From Electricity under Jobsism to a Golden Age, which is an integral part of this post..

The solution to the "serious problem" that Carlota Pérez demonstrated, that enables the Golden Age is exclusive in the long run production capital actions, since short run financial capital “…is mainly a set of criteria for judging what was likely to be successful; basically a thought model, relatively easy to abandon when it fails, no matter how strongly rooted it may have been in ideas and in decision-making practice.”

With a triple-dip recession looming in front of those policymakers, what else but failure can be attributed to such a situation? Following Steve Jobs' quote that starts as “… you can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards….” regarding the above mentioned agenda to start with electricity under Jobsism, please take a look at the complete text of the February 2012 blog post Will Germany be the First Country to Adopt the EWPC-AF?:
After reading the press release of Germany’s Federal Network Agency Bundesnetzagentur, I think that Germany will be the first country to adopt the Electricity Without Price Controls Architecture Framework (EWPC-AF). It seems that the key elements paper on “smart grids and smart markets” follows, quite strikingly close, what has emerged as the EWPC-AF, which as the paper says “…calls for a clear separation of the areas of smart grids and smart markets.” As can be seen in the above mentioned EWPC-AF link, the “smart grid” is called T&D Grid and the “smart market” the Enterprise.

I understand that the emerging paradigm shift in the making towards the EWPC-AF is critically expressed with the systemic statement “While this requires a shift in thinking on the part of the industry, it promises to deliver innovative and efficient solutions for the system as a whole.” In that quote I am happy to see a signal that the introduction of the EWPC article A Better Decade Require the End of the Prevailing Style of Management, which says “This is the time of informed predictions on the New Year. As can be seen below, I was led to concentrate myself not just on the New Year, but on the New Decade to predict the widespread adoption of the Electricity Without Price Control Architecture Framework (EWPC-AF), which I designed as a basic innovation,” is starting to come true just two years into the decade.

And indeed it seems to be coming true, as deregulation is now available to develop smart markets for the first technological revolution of the systemic civilization, replacing those incomplete regulated “organized” wholesale markets that are still in place.