Jose Antonio Vanderhorst-Silverio | Sep 9, 2010
SmartGridCity and energy policy's secret critics is a critical article by Phil Carson on the Intelligent Utility web site. This is my contibution:
Hi Phil,
Thank you very much for identifying a key source of the very powerful energy industry lobby that has for many years opposed the creative destruction of the electric power industry. In contrast to trying "to derail state and national energy policies that encourage modernization of the grid," I have been working for an emerging global energy policy to replace today's unsustainable one.
In that light, please take a look at the post A Message to US Senator Harry Read About a Minimalist Energy Bill, whose summary says:
Thank you very much for identifying a key source of the very powerful energy industry lobby that has for many years opposed the creative destruction of the electric power industry. In contrast to trying "to derail state and national energy policies that encourage modernization of the grid," I have been working for an emerging global energy policy to replace today's unsustainable one.
In that light, please take a look at the post A Message to US Senator Harry Read About a Minimalist Energy Bill, whose summary says:
"Federal and state governments should take the leadership to initiate the transformation of the electric power industry, instead of developing individual symptomatic energy policies, for example, on energy efficiency, on the smart grid, and on Feed-In Tariffs, that are easily water dawn by the powerful energy industry lobby. The shared vision can enacted as a fundamental minimalist, holistic and emergent energy policy, based on the Electricity Without Price Controls Architecture Framework (EWPC-AF). Such policy will reduce the likelihood of The Third Depression by attracting private funding and creating green jobs from coast to coast."
In support of the initiation of the above mentioned transformation, I am copying the whole EWPC post The Huge Positive Side of SmartGridCity for the Global Market:
In support of the initiation of the above mentioned transformation, I am copying the whole EWPC post The Huge Positive Side of SmartGridCity for the Global Market:
Under the timely article The Positive Side of SmartGridCity: Despite all the controversy and negative press, good things are coming out of the project, says Xcel Energy, by Michael Kanellos, posted on September 3, 2010, I will add the following comment:
Hello Michael,
I strongly agree that your timely article “The Positive Side of SmartGridCity” provides “data likely won't completely reverse many opinions.” However, I borrow your phrase “good things are coming out of the project” to highlight the huge benefits for the global market, that should create great public opinion, as can be seen in this update of the EWPC post 2 Smart Grid Lessons Learned: Increasing Stimulus Grant was Mistaken. Utilities Must be restructured.
As with any lateral thinking insight goes, the first lesson should have been known all along. In fact, item “6.4 Recommendations to the Energy Industry - Roadmap to a Deployed Industry Architecture,” in “Volume I: User Guidelines and Recommendations” of the “Integrated Energy and Communication Systems Architecture (IECSA),” suggests an “Incremental approach: Start small and learn lessons,” which most utilities (not just Xcel Energy) so far did not follow.
Hello Michael,
I strongly agree that your timely article “The Positive Side of SmartGridCity” provides “data likely won't completely reverse many opinions.” However, I borrow your phrase “good things are coming out of the project” to highlight the huge benefits for the global market, that should create great public opinion, as can be seen in this update of the EWPC post 2 Smart Grid Lessons Learned: Increasing Stimulus Grant was Mistaken. Utilities Must be restructured.
As with any lateral thinking insight goes, the first lesson should have been known all along. In fact, item “6.4 Recommendations to the Energy Industry - Roadmap to a Deployed Industry Architecture,” in “Volume I: User Guidelines and Recommendations” of the “Integrated Energy and Communication Systems Architecture (IECSA),” suggests an “Incremental approach: Start small and learn lessons,” which most utilities (not just Xcel Energy) so far did not follow.
As for the second lesson, in “Table 7: Areas beyond the scope of IECSA,” is “Industry Organizational Changes,” being a huge architecting error that had a negative impact on SmartGridCity and is bound to affect must other smart grid initiatives. I will recall my posts under your article The Biggest Green Market? Seven Reasons Why It’s Green IT, where I showed the importance of restructuring the electric power industry into a T&D Grid side and an Enterprise side.
In that post, I gave you convincing evidence of the benefits that enable me to write the EWPC post 3rd Smart Grid Lesson Learned: in the Enterprise side‘Everything Dies a Quick Death.’ As a result, the sense of urgency to restructure the electric power industry should be at an all time high.
In that post, I gave you convincing evidence of the benefits that enable me to write the EWPC post 3rd Smart Grid Lesson Learned: in the Enterprise side‘Everything Dies a Quick Death.’ As a result, the sense of urgency to restructure the electric power industry should be at an all time high.
Thank you ...,
The title of my first comment under the original article is "Avoiding the Big-Bang Advanced Metering Infrastructure." As you will see below, SM rollouts under the EWPC-AF are not longer premature as you wisely observe.
In another wise observation that fit the non-Big-Band approach, that "Smart Meters (as we have them now) will need to be replaced by even smarter meters," customers will be able to get the whole product and service that best meet their needs when they are ready according to their place in the TALC.
In the TALC, customers [that could be prosumers no simple consumers] are dynamically segmented [to receive something they perceive as "tangible and immediately available upsides," quoting a member of another LinkedIn group] into 1) Innovators (that just try it!), 2) Early Adopters (that get ahead of the herd), 3) Early Majority (that stick with the herd), 4) Late Majority (that stick with what's proven), and 5) Laggards (that just say no!).
The EWPC article Is the Smart Grid that is Being Pushed a Costly Mistake? ( )" says that "As shown by Geoffrey A. Moore, in his book "Crossing the Chasm," a Business Week Bestseller, "The real news, however, is not the two cracks in the bell curve, the one between the innovators and the early adopters, the other between early and late majority. No, the real news is the deep and dividing chasm that separates the early adopters from the early majority. This is by far the most formidable and unforgiving transition in the Technology Adoption Life Cycle, and it is the more dangerous because it typically goes unrecognized."
Moore identifies two processes that go on after crossing The Chasm, the Bowling Alley, which results in few competitors, and the Tornado, which is where roll-outs should occur.