martes, junio 13, 2017

The Bright Globalization is available to dissolve Dark Globalization’s Black Swans

The 7 shared images shown in brief, that correspond to two consecutive tweets, we understand are more than enough for the general public to know the situation and to help anyone decide if it diffuses it to the rest of their friends of the local, global or both populations. This can be said to be approaching the Second Degree of Clarity (see below one of the images) that is traditionally used by the mass media. This is the Facebook version.

This conversation of tweets which we call TC1 deals with the same topic in more depth as Twitter hashtags (that start with #) can be understood as emerging knowledge flows. We suggest that this approximates to the Third Degree of Clarity that corresponds to the #EcoIsOurs professionals that complement EcoNoMics scientists. This of course is the Twitter Version.

The Twitter images shown above (which allow hitting Retweets and Likes) of the most recent two tweets at this time, , shows the last 4 shared images representations which will be shown first,.but not the shared images of the parent tweet which will be shown last..As the second image of the first tweet is the same as the first image of the second tweet only three images will be shown next.

Next are the four images of the parent tweet.