domingo, abril 15, 2012

How Active IEEE Members Might be Prepared to Embody the Change that Needs to Happen for Advancing Technology for Humanity.

Summary: Following Gandhi’s wisdom, this thread is intended as a semaphore for all IEEE members to contribute in Advancing Technology for Humanity.

How Active IEEE Members Might be Prepared to Embody the Change that Needs to Happen for Advancing Technology for Humanity.

By José Antonio Vanderhorst Silverio, Ph.D.
Systemic Consultant: Electricity
Socio-Technical Electric Power Industry System Designer
IEEE Life Senior Member
April 15, 2012

“Be the change you want to see in the world”
-- Mahatma Gandhi

This thread is intended as a semaphore for “Discussions Leaders” to drive other threads into “Still Active Discussion” designed as a mean to an end. In this sense, all the threads mentioned below are meant to the final end or purpose of Advancing Technology for Humanity. It is proposed that the adoption of an IEEE Systemic Code of Ethics might insure that all IEEE Members will be prepared to embody the change that needs to happen for that purpose.

For example, the thread “What You Might Do as a Discussion Leader When an Old Linkedin Discussion Shows Up as a ‘New Discussion,’ [1]” that includes ‘… my humble thesis of a practical theory on how discussions (or any other social network conversations) might go viral,’ is meant to instruct and also to act as a semaphore for driving to the thread “First Draft: Let’s Emulate Uno Lamm’s Accomplishments Through Imagination and Truth [2].”

It is clear that the meaning of “Discussions Leaders” can be thought to be limited to a group moderator or those of us that start discussions. However, I want to clarify that what I intended to mean was about any IEEE member who is prepared to follow Gandhi’s quote in any thread by being the change they “… want to see in the world.”

As the discussion “Does the IEEE Code of Ethics Fully Supports Advancing Technology For Humanity? [3,4,5]” seem to have been sufficiently debated, but under a process of significant distortion, I suggested that “Discussion Leaders” should drive over into the “First Draft…” thread that shows a more complete and rich context, which “… mixes the battle for the IEEE Systemic Code of Ethics into the war for the Value Added Electricity Architecture Framework (VAE-AF).”

Even though the thread “A Guess About Preventing World Economy Collapse by 2030 [6],” was interfered right at the start, I hope IEEE members may still act as “Discussions Leaders” to help in Advancing Technology for Humanity. One approach that might help drive this thread into an interesting “Still Active Discussion” is in the recent EWPC post “Why and How the Status Quo Should Respond to Criticism on Current Smart Grid Developments [7]” that was prepared by selecting a section of the “First Draft” thread.

I now think that still an even better approach to the “A Guess…” thread might result from the recent comments in the IEEE Smart Grid Group. Instead of the above affirmation, maybe the question “Will that 2030 Collapse be the Result of IEEE Movers and Shakers that didn’t follow a Systemic Code of Ethics?” will help them be ready to respond to that criticism.

This GMH Blog article is posted simultaneously to the IEEE Smart Grid Group, The Official IEEE Group, the IEEE SSIT Group, the IEEE Senior Members Group and the IEEE Spectrum Group.

[1] What You Might Do as a Discussion Leader When an Old Linkedin Discussion Shows Up as a “New Discussion,” April 13, 2012, GMH Blog.
[2] First Draft: Let’s Emulate Uno Lamm’s Accomplishments Through Imagination and Truth, April 11, 2012, GMH Blog.
[3] Does the IEEE Code of Ethics Fully Supports Advancing Technology For Humanity?, IEEE Smart Grid Group of Linkedin.
[4] Does the IEEE Code of Ethics Fully Supports Advancing Technology For Humanity?, IEEE SSIT Group of Linkedin.
[5] Does the IEEE Code of Ethics Fully Supports Advancing Technology For Humanity?, IEEE Spectrum Group of Linkedin.
[6] A Guess About Preventing World Economy Collapse by 2030, IEEE Smart Grid Group of Linkedin.
[7] Why and How the Status Quo Should Respond to Criticism on Current Smart Grid Developments, April 13, 2012, EWPC Blog.