viernes, diciembre 29, 2006

A Generative Dialogue Without Illusions Part 6


I perceive that you don’t really want, or are not prepared, or your terms of reference bind you somehow, to engage in a generative dialogue. I sense you want to debate. If that is the case, we will get into a stalemate very fast. I don’t have the time that Fred has to debate. While you are a practical analyst and I just try to be without illusions. That is why I am saving my posts as:

A Generative Dialogue Without Illusions Part 5

A Generative Dialogue Without Illusions Part 4

A Generative Dialogue Without Illusions Part 3

A Generative Dialogue Without Illusions Part 2

A Generative Dialogue Without Illusions Part 1

Given the above, I won’t engage to your complete response. So, I will write just a few paragraphs.

You said earlier “I see the flaws, and the benefits, of the current architecture in the US more clearly than just about anyone. However, your phrase 'without selfish components' makes me squirm.” I know that there is no such thing as the current architecture, but for simplicity I called it Space B. Space B is centered on open transmission access architecture. Essentially the whole point is that to make it stable you need to have more supply side reserves as in Space A o move to Space C by investing in demand response. In both cases you are investing in physical risk management.

On 12.17.06 above, I said the following: “Ferdinand, please take the whole sentence and the context in consideration… You seem to be right under a mechanistic thinking mental model that doesn’t consider the environment. However, under a systemic thinking mental model, the interdependencies are very important…” Your opinions are very similar to that of Fred. They are great tools for debates that get stuck.

If you read the whole comments, and not part by part as independent elements you will see the answers to your questions, if you are on the positive generative dialogue. If you have done that, even with my difficulties with the language, you will know that there was no a need to elucidate, as the idea of “system destruction” is developed in that paragraph of “selfish components” and reinforced in the next 2 paragraphs.

Please advise if you “want to learn about the third way of deregulation,” as I suggested on 12.27.06. If so, please read about what I believe was Bill Hogan’s great mistake, that changed the industry and led to the decade old debate.

With a lot of respect,

José Antonio

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