martes, mayo 31, 2005

Georgios Response on DR1

I read the article on the above website, thanks. I also read a lot of if's
and but's which add-up to a lot of speculation. What is this guy saying
is not proven and not even noticed yet by others.
The facts are;
1. Burning coal, oil, natural gas etc is proven to hurt the environment due
to emmisions.
2. Nuclear power plants are not safe either. It is proven that a fair amount
of nuclear waste is dumped "somewhere" and takes 250 years to deactivate,
not to mention meltdown accidents like Chernobil.

Conventional ways (items 1,2) are PROVEN to harm the enviroment. Wind
turbines still provide clean energy without all the stuff you see listed above.

Care to comment? Regards...Georgios.

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