viernes, junio 03, 2005

Dominicans Are Just Too Scared to do Anything About it

Originally Posted by hugoke01
I feel that more and more people are getting really mad at the government because the "apagones " aren't getting solved ..

There were already some street riots in Barahona . and others seem prepared to come out in the streets against the government if these elctricity cuts aren't solved .. Some areas only have electricity 4 hours a day ..

Only one question How could this affect the country ? Could this not result in a kind of revolution if the government doesn't take real actions to get this solved ? or should we only think about the metro ?

Today, 05:57 PM by José45: "hugoke01, I agree that apagones can put this country upside down. The Group Millennium Hispaniola is working with the goal to change that. Look at josé45 messages in all forum to get a taste of how to get out of the mess we are in. Try looking at the GMH blog to see our suggestions."

Today, 06:44 PM by quejeyoke : "as my cousin Vito says, fuggedaoboudit!. Apagones have and will rule the country for a long time. Most of the electrical system is not organized or policed well. The best way to counter the electricity debacle is to farm your own electric, whether by generator or by gazeelion battery inverter."

Today, 07:40 PM by fortywater: "Nothing will be done... but complain. When I was down there I was getting pissed at the apagones too, but everyone down there is too scared to do anything about it, so they just take it in stride. Just think of it as a reason to go to the corner colmado and get drunk."

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