martes, abril 28, 2015


José Antonio Vanderhorst-SilverioWilliam thanks! It is a wonderful read indeed. Just as Henry Ford's legacy was understood as Fordism, that article as a whole is a welcome contribution to Steve Jobs' legacy to be understood as Jobsism. The most viewed blog post I written on it is "Applying #Jobsism to transform current global #Fordism marketing myopia ( )."

José Antonio Vanderhorst-SilverionowJosé Antonio Vanderhorst-SilverioThe article has a quote that can be seen as Fordism, when Iain McGilchrist makes the case that the Western world has become overly reliant on the quantitative or left hemisphere of the brain... During a talk at the RSA in 2010, he said: “In our modern world we've developed something that looks awfully like the left hemisphere's world. The technical becomes important. Bureaucracy flourishes. And the need for control leads to a paranoia in society that we need to govern and control everything.”


viernes, abril 24, 2015

After a million total views in EWPC Blog, a climate change architecting hypothesis breakthrough for COP21

Third update. Response to "What Bill Gates Gets Right About Energy — and the One Thing I'm Not So Sure About." The response is to a Linkedin post written by Scott Nyquist, a Director at McKinsey & Company.

Dear Scott,

Thanks for a very timely and interesting post. I agree with you that ‘There’s a saying that where you stand depends on where you sit.”

In that regard, I sit at home with no rings attached to neither public, nor private, electric sector. That’s where I worked, one after the other for close to 20 years at a time.  As can be seen in my Linkedin profile, I recommended an Electricity Integral Policy for the Dominican Republic, published in the National Development Agenda of the Dominican Republic, back in 1996.

That recommendation became eventually the project of my life, which emerged, for example, as a self made systems architect, highly active today on a larger mission above politics to enable institutional innovation of direct democracy of the systemic market (look for tweets with the #DD_SM hashtag). Made in response to the tweet by Hillary Clinton: "As Dr. King said, 'Our lives begin to end when we become silent about things that matter.' None of can afford to be silent." —Hillary, such mission, can be considered from our last tweet: “Is leaping from #InclusiveCapitalism to #GreatCapitalism being silenced @HillaryClinton? Please consider #EuropeIN “

Having said that, we have an example that fits to your post, in the most recent version of the blog post After a million total views in EWPC Blog, a climate change architecting hypothesis breakthrough for COP21, which  right now is introduced in the next paragraph (the EWPC Blog was discontinued by Energy Central this year) on the Grupo Millennium Blog:
Second update. To Bill Gates: Why not let customers drive innovation by leaping at COP21 from financial capital to production capital. While they will be very useful for the ongoing future, I strongly disagree on the need to fund energy innovations using public (in coalitions with private) funds as the primary goal of COP21. Instead, COP21 decision makers and investors should consider that climate change antisystemic problems can be dissolved by shifting from energy antisystems to systems. That shift will enable the emergence that Alvin Toffler anticipated about 35 years ago as The Third Wave, which now suggest a Systemic Civilization, which can be created with a Global Declaration of Interdependence at COP21 based on the primacy of the whole, instead of the primacy of the parts.
Referring only to what you are not sure about, they do need to work at scale. However, it is under scalable learning as we leap to a zero carbon transformation process to the Systemic Civilization high growth experience curve, as opposed to the myopic scalable efficiency low carbon transition in the highly saturated industrial civilization experience curve. That means a big shift from central stations to customer experience under a vibrant retail market. That also means less high energy intensity exports from developed countries and more high energy intensity import from the rest of the world.

Best regards!

José Antonio Vanderhorst Silverio, Ph.D.
Consulting engineer on systems architecting
Servant-leader Dominican and global citizen

Second update. To Bill Gates: Why not let customers drive innovation by leaping at COP21 from financial capital to production capital. While they will be very useful for the ongoing future, I strongly disagree on the need to fund energy innovations using public (in coalitions with private) funds as the primary goal of COP21. Instead, COP21 decision makers and investors should consider that climate change antisystemic problems can be dissolved by shifting from energy antisystems to systems. That shift will enable the emergence that Alvin Toffler anticipated about 35 years ago as The Third Wave, which now suggest a Systemic Civilization, which can be created with a Global Declaration of Interdependence at COP21 based on the primacy of the whole, instead of the primacy of the parts.

In that respect, I humbly suggest that basic research about transforming antisystems into systems is already available. What we need is getting government regulators out of the way of energy markets and to enable a shift from short run supply side financial capital to long run demand side production capital. Following the purpose of leading energy towards maximum social welfare will drive high risk private sector investments without traditional distortions, like subsidies and price controls, on great markets, where everyone, including the little customers would have the opportunity to win.

Such investments will be driven by customers mainly on the internet infrastructure on ecosystems platforms, which is where huge value creation is ready to emerge on vibrant retail markets that will reinforce each other with wholesale markets and mainly with prosumers. As can be seen, for example, changing antisystem for system in one of the paragraphs of the Principles of the Breakthrough Energy Coalition makes all the difference.
The existing antisystem of basic research, clean energy investment, regulatory frameworks, and subsidies fails to sufficiently mobilize investment in truly transformative energy solutions for the future.
Instead, what we need is to promote deregulation, without privatization, to transform energy antisystems into systems, to help lift all boats, specially those at the Bottom of the Pyramid. In support of the above, please consider the following posts and recent updates on the last two which are related to COP21:

Conclusive evidence: transformative deregulation is the key to electric service innovation

Applying #Jobsism to transform current global #Fordism marketing myopia and its "Fifth update. Can COP21 participants address energy antisystem strategic myopia?"

A Systemic Civilization Global Declaration of Interdependence and its "Sixth update.  A Systemic Declaration of Interdependence model for COP21." 

First update: Can the climate change systemic problem be dissolved with the Value Added Electricity Architecture Framework?

Please take a look at the hypothesis below under a reinterpretation where climate change can be dissolved, based on electric power markets development that transform the whole global energy industry, taking a close look at what follows. Under the parallel version to this post After a million total views, a climate change architecting hypothesis breakthrough for COP 21 on the EWPC Blog, there are 4 comments, two of which I mine that say:
Comment #1: william adams wrote under the discussion "This is a hypothesis to address climate change by changing from an action oriented political attitude debate to an action oriented scientific attitude generative dialogue ( )," in the IEEE Spectrum Linkedin group>

you cant control the climate/weather/temperature/etc
any more than you can stop the tides coming in and going out
or you can control the economy

all these are examples of large complex non linear dynamic systems that always have cycles caused by natural events not people

there is NO MAN CAUSED PROBLEM wrt weather/temp/ climate/ etc.

Comment #2: Next is my response:

Thank you very much for your input which is going to help emerge the second hypothesis. To that end, please provide evidence of how long the systemic delay will be in those large complex non linear dynamic systems if MAN CAUSES those systemic problems.

Comment #3: william adams added:


man is not causing any of those problems

we have had hot/cold cycles for millions of years without people or suvs

there is nothing you can do to change any of those things although you can do a lot of bad things by trying

Comment #4:
Jajaja... that's how the action oriented political attitude is based on a debate that have gone from COP 1 to COP 20 in favor of the status quo. That's why we need to shift to an action oriented scientific attitude that helps emerge a new world order for COP 21 in favor of what's described in the long discussion The end of soaring inequality can start with 'demand-side economics' on electricity.

After a million total views in EWPC Blog, a climate change architecting hypothesis breakthrough for COP21 
Note 1: the following systems architecting description is the first necessarily nontrivial asymmetric hypothesis of a hopefully few serial of attempts to synthesize the large background freely available mostly on social media, that has emerged organically via the Grupo Millennium Hispaniola (GMH) Blog and the Electricity Without Price Controls (EWPC) Blog. During the past year, most of those blog posts have also been pinned to social media through the Twitter account @gmh_upsa which have been retweeted by important and intelligent people that have helped socialize them.  While the GMH Blog will be 10 years old May 15, 2015, the EWPC Blog has just surpassed 1,000, 000 views today. Please contribute helping get the following hypothesis to those who are able to contribute to the generative dialogue that avoids the COP21 United Nations debate. 
Note 2: In order to explain what I mean by nontrivial asymmetric hypothesis, I copy the following story taken from Wikipedia of Nobel Prize winner Paul Samuelson . “Stanislaw Ulam once challenged Samuelson to name one theory in all of the social sciences which is both true and nontrivial. Several years later, Samuelson responded with David Ricardo's theory of comparative advantage: ‘That it is logically true need not be argued before a mathematician; that is not trivial is attested by the thousands of important and intelligent men who have never been able to grasp the doctrine for themselves or to believe it after it was explained to them.’”
In order to address climate change under a new world order that mutually reinforce each other it is suggested that COP21 consider a change from the current action oriented political attitude debate to an action oriented scientific attitude generative dialogue based on the first of two architecting levels scope. The latter attitude is based on the update of the normative sciences of logic, ethics and aesthetics, which the great American Philosopher Charles Sanders Peirce introduced from the end of the 19th century to the beginning of the 20th century.

The first architecting level of such attitude which is above politics, helping for example to avoid world wars, will lead to small minimalists’ states and large great complete markets that self-correct themselves (dissolving the State-markets dilemma) after a global interdependence declaration is agreed upon at the United Nations to help the emergence of the systemic civilization. To address climate change, the trajectory of the systemic civilization will be well above the normal trajectory of (the now over expanded by a marketing myopia) industrial civilization as we enable a cluster of information, communication and renewable energy technologies that mutually reinforce each other.

As the restructuring failed experiments, that would allow low-cost electricity to flow to high cost states by insisting in scalable efficiency and that wholesale competition would reduce prices, by mistaking risks with significant non quantifiable uncertainty over two decades, they have continue to go beyond the limits of the industrial civilization trajectory creating huge global environmental and local social systemic problems, for example, the one of electricity in the Dominican Republic, which follows the axiom ‘what’s most systemic is most local.’  Now that a restructuring proposal based on the Value Added Electricity (formerly EWPC) Architecture Framework is available to take its place, it would dissolve the intermittency problem by concentrating on scalable learning to go from the current to the higher trajectory.

That's how the Dominican Republic Electric Pact should not waste the opportunity to start to leap capitalism from good to great. Such is a shift to the new world order of the first technological revolution of the systemic civilization would generally replace short run financial capital investments with long run productive capital that would address the ongoing soaring inequality opportunities of innovation to enable a Golden Age. The design of great markets would concentrate on fair competition without State interventions would lead to servant-leaders as the most competitive entrepreneurs, which would implement the second level systems architecture with an action oriented scientific attitude with positive systemic leverage available on great complete markets business to customers platforms under increasing returns.

EWPC Blog full access index update now with over 1,000,000 total views

Sucess is not a measure from what you receive. It is measure from what you give.

Here is the second update now with 1,000,000 total views on top to the EWPC Blog full access index first update with over 890,000 total views Posted on June 9, 2014 of the GMH Blog post Electricity Without Price Controls Blog Index - 321 entries – Posted on September 20, 2013

 Electricity Without Price Controls “... insights, vision, intuitions, judgment calls…” (1) 

(1) Spinrad, Robert J., in a lecture at the University of Southern California, 1988. Maier, Mark W. (2011-07-16). The Art of Systems Architecting, Third Edition (Systems Engineering) (Page 4). CRC Press. Kindle Edition.

All new entries in the following update are by Jose Antonio Vanderhorst-Silverio.

Is there a risk for the Smart Grid becoming a dead end? 

What follows is the Second update of to the GMH post Michael Spence: structural flexibility for labor adaptation is for... April 13, 2015

Should utilities and solar be finally exposed to the "Law of the Situation"? Japan's example.

Contrary to the main title of the December 2012 post, Law of the Situation: the utilities did not understand, we... March 23, 2015

The end of soaring inequality can start with "demand-side economics" on electricity

The original version of The end of soaring inequality can start with "demand-side economics" on electricity comes from its GMH... February 21, 2015

Should we waste the opportunity of the Electric Pact to start to leap Capitalism from Good to Great?

Please take a close look at the GMH blog post Should we waste the opportunity of an institutional innovation on... February 6, 2015

Win-win high systemic leverage electricity service strategy of trajectory as a great example

The GMH post Why global Middle-Class Indignados should unite to demand strategies of trajectory is what’s needed to shift away from the... January 27, 2015

Can 10 questions above politics help forecast a new world order in 2015? Version 0.0

The GMH blog post Can 10 questions above politics help forecast a new world order in 2015? Version 0.0, has... January 6, 2015

All 93 posts on Business Model Innovations on the EWPC Blog changed to Institutional Innovations

I just learned that I have been writing about business model innovations when I should be calling it institutional innovations... December 30, 2014

Update: Applying #Jobsism to transform current global #Fordism marketing myopia

This is a timely update on #Jobsism and #Fordism, that is based on getting myself to stand on the top...November 12, 2014

Summary: Applying #Jobsism to transform current global #Fordism marketing myopia

Updated with proposed key meanings of Jobsism and Fordism, please take a look at the post Applying #Jobsism to transform... October 29, 2014

Summary: From Electricity under Jobsism to a Golden Age

© 2014. José Antonio Vanderhorst-Silverio, Ph.D. Consulting engineer on electric sector systems architecting. Creator of the Value Added Electricity Architecture... October 14, 2014

Generalizing "Taxed energy: thought Occupiers aren’t expecting, but will love"

Taxed energy: thought Occupiers aren’t expecting, but will love is an EWPC blog post of the translation of an article... September 25, 2014

Electric power industry restructuring as a way to address inequality

Under the article The Financial Times Slams 'The World's Dumbest Idea,' written in Forbes by Steve Denning, I added the... September 8, 2014

Competitive resiliency

As a comparison measure, energy cost made a lot of sense when economies of scale dominated, for example, in the... August 16, 2014

Resiliency proposal customers and society are not expecting but will love

Under the commentary Want resiliency? Here's how to get it. (New Jersey has already started), Jesse Berst introduces and presents... July 9, 2014

Should the electric power market be beneficial for all parties all over the world?

This is a very brief update to the post Is the State of New York Public Service Commission Electric Utility... July 1, 2014

Dealing with Forbes' Guerrini "Smart Meters: Between Economic Benefits And Privacy Concerns"

Under the Forbes article "Smart Meters: Between Economic Benefits And Privacy Concerns," [External Link] I added the following comment: “You’ve got.. June 25, 2014

miércoles, abril 15, 2015

Pacto Eléctrico superior aprovecha entrevista de Serbiá a Gluski en Cumbre de las Américas

Esta es una síntesis que ofrece una respuesta al reto energético superior a la que le ofreció Andrés Gluski a Xavier Serbiá, como representante de una de las áreas de los agentes de mercado del sector eléctrico que operan en América Latina. La misma se basa en la transcripción completa de la entrevista que Serbía le hizo a Gluski, que aparece abajo y que está abierta a perfeccionarse.  Dicha síntesis ha sido elaborada como complemento a la cuarta actualización de la nota Michael Spence: structural flexibility for labor adaptation is for services not manufacturing, que trata sobre "Una epifanía tecnológica en el Pacto Eléctrico que impulsaría la prosperidad con equidad," que por lo tanto es parte integral de esta otra nota.

Lo divulgado por Gluski corresponde muy bien a la estrategia de terreno [1] que concentra su atención en la vieja escalabilidad de la eficiencia [1] que correponde a una vieja estrategia de trajectoria, que mantiene serios problemas sistémicos de inclusión con el sentido común del Fordismo que está corrompido con el sentido común del Feudalismo. Será superada con la epifanía tecnológica antes mencionada que lleva a una estrategia de trajectoria [1] que estará muy por encima de la trajectoria anterior al concentrar su atención en la escalabilidad del aprendizaje [1] que facilita la inclusión con el sentido común del Jobsismo.

Mientras Gluski, en representación de muchos otros agentes de mercado tradicionales, sugiere crear la infraestructura necesaria con énfasis, por ejemplo, en interconexiones de transmisión entre países, como corresponde a la escalabilidad de la eficiencia para integrar mercados mayoristas, para enfrentar el reto energético se sugiere que con la infraestructura del Internet que corresponde a la escalabilidad del aprendizaje se podrá perfectmente integrar mercados minoristas pequeños, como los de Centroamérica y el Caribe.

Todos sabemos que la energía renovable es amigable con el ambiente. Aunque con base en la escalabilidad de la eficiencia la energía renovable sigue siendo intermitente, con la escalabilidad del aprendizaje, basada en la garantía de información cada vez más barata, dicha intermitencia se puede superar en pocos años con, por ejemplo, una competencia de modelos de negocio amparada en reglas de juego claras y contundentes basadas en el modelo marco de la Electricidad Con Valor Agregado [5].Es así como la energía renovable se volverá barata al tiempo que se educa más rápido a la gente quecon la estrategia existente. Es así también como el Estado debe cambiar de una infraestructura a la otra,para desarrollar la nueva estrategia de trayectoría, por ejemplo, en el Pacto Eléctrico.

Luego de asistir al panel de energía de la II Cumbre Empresarial de las Américas, donde 5 CEOs “representando diferentes áreas de la industria energéticas,” Xavier Serbiá agregó que “ … tuve la oportunidad de hablar con uno de ellos que estuvo en el panel. Andrés Gluski el es CEO de AES corporation. AES es una compañía que genera energía específicamente electricidad. Está en 18 países de américa latina. Y una vez que terminó la conferencia le pedimos a él que sí podíamos hablar para la cámara de CNN Dinero y con mucho gusto… Glutsky ha sido una persona muy encantadora y siempre ha sido muy abierto. Esa fue la conversación que tuve con él.”

Serbiá: OK Andrés, ¿cuál es el reto que está enfrentando América Latina con el tema de la energía.

Gluski: Hay un gran crecimiento de la demanda energía en América Latina.

Serbiá: ¡OK!

Gluski: Es un reto. Entonces es simplemente crear la infraestructura necesaria. Yo diría que un segundo reto en la inclusión. Todavía hay millones de personas en américa latina que no tienen acceso a electricidad. ¿Porqué? En parte… bueno tiene que ver con el nivel de desarrollo de los países, el nivel de educación de la gente y para sacarlos de la pobreza en que se encuentran, dos cosas son las cosas que mejoran más el nivel de vida de las personas.  Primero acceso a agua potable y segundo electricidad. Pero como están en un nivel de pobreza y necesitan que los gobiernos, que las multilaterales y que el sector privado una las manos y conjuntamente hagan un esfuerzo. Se habla mucho de la revolución de la información, del internet, pero si no tienes electricidad no tienes… [los dos hablan al mismo tiempo]

Serbiá: ¿Cómo vas a tener Internet?

Gluski: Se puede hacer. Nosotros por ejemplo en los últimos diez años hemos dado electricidad a  trescientas mil personas. Trabajando con los gobiernos en caso el salvador,  el … milenio el cine  el millennium Challege… del gobierno americano, Luz para todos en Brasil. Y además de eso hemos normalizado el acceso a electricidad a 2 millones personas en Sao Paulo que vivían en las favelas y tenían conexiones ilegales que eran muy peligrosas, etc. Creo que somos un ejemplo de cómo trabajando juntos con los entes oficiales se puede llegar a esa gente.

Serbiá: Energía… el tema de electricidad no es tan solo afecta la pobreza porque tiene gente que no tiene electricidad, pero también a los negocios. Se está viendo que el costo de electricidad es mucho mayor en América Latina que en Estados Unidos. ¿A qué se debe que sea un costo mucho mayor, porque eso al final está afectando la productividad, los costos producción y a los empresarios? ¿Cuál es la razón de que sean tan altos?

Gluski: Hay dos razones fundamentales. Lo primero es que hay mercados pequeños, por ejemplo, en Centroamérica. Entonces hay economías de escala muy importantes. Entonces la interconexión ahorita se acaba... bueno hace poco se interconectaron con una red que se llama SIEPAC pero hay que agrandarla. Después hay que hacer interconexiones entre los grandes países.  Entonces interconexiones es uno.

Lo otro es en las islas del Caribe. Tienes mucho uso de combustibles líquidos, Diesel, por ejemplo,  que mucho más caro. Entonces si lo comparas con los Estados Unidos que tiene acceso a gas natural barato. ¿Entonces como podemos traer gas a las islas del Caribe? Entonces por gas natural licuado. Entonces nosotros por ejemplo tenemos un terminal de regasificación en la Republica Dominicana, que en el año 2014, para darte un ejemplo, le ahorramos 500 millones de dólares al país.

Entonces esa es la integración energética sea por vía del gas natural licuado o sea interconexiones son dos de las razones … más importantes.

Serbiá: ¿Cuándo tú dices interconexión para entender a que te refieres para saber a qué te refieres con esa interconexión?

Gluski: Líneas de transmisión. Por ejemplo, hoy en día Centroamérica no se conecta con Colombia. Si hubiese una interconexión, una línea de trasmisión de Colombia  a Panamá, permite las ventajas de todas las grandes represas que tiene Colombia exportar alguna energía

Serbiá: Claro, como Centroamérica son países pequeños, si tú localizar el servicio muy costoso lo que buscarías entonces hacer es regionalizarlo y por eso tiene que haber una libertad de fronteras.

Gluski: Tienes razón.

Serbiá: Esa sería la razón principal.


[1] Vean como el Pacto Eléctrico dominicano puede servir para empezar a cambiar la desigualdad en el mundo, Blog GMH, 23 de enero, 2015.

[2] Reinterpretación al Jobsismo del discurso del presidente Medina del 27 de febrero sobre el Pacto Eléctrico, Blog GMH, 27 de febrero, 2015.

martes, abril 07, 2015

Michael Spence: structural flexibility for labor adaptation is for services not manufacturing

Fourth update: Una epifanía tecnológica en el Pacto Eléctrico que impulsaría la prosperidad con equidad. En el video El reto energético de la Cumbre de las Américas, el señor Xavier Serbia entrevistó a Andrés R. Gluski, de la Corporación AES, en la que el Sr. Gluski "explica que el mayor reto de América Latina es crear la infraestructura para la demanda energética existente." Tal explicación es representativa de otros agentes de mercado, por ejemplo, con contratos de generación a largo plazo.

Es fácil reinterpretar esa versión del reto como una intención de mantener el significado institucional existente para mantener, por ejemplo, la crisis sistémica del sector eléctrico dominicano en su Zona de Comodidad para los agentes de mercado existentes. Tal reto carece de la suficiente ambición (ver la 3ra actualización abajo), como el reto que se requiere para introducir una epifanía tecnológica que lleve la industria a Donde Sucede la Magia, como la que se requiere para poder impulsar la prosperidad con equidad.

Esa explicación de los agentes de mercado existentes se centra en el significado actual del viejo modelo de producción y transporte en masa (transmisión y distribución) con mejoras como mucho mediante la introducción de la sustitución tecnológica para introducir redes inteligentes de extremo a extremo. Lo que se necesita es promover una epifanía tecnológica, según lo sugerido por Roberto Verganti, en su libro Design-Driven Innovation (Innovación Impulsada por Diseño), cuyo subtítulo se puede traducir como "Cambio de las reglas de la competencia por la innovación radical de lo que significan las cosas."

Este tipo de innovación radical (que tendría un período de transición para su implantación) puede basarse, por ejemplo, en la propuesta del Modelo Marco de la Electricidad Con Valor Agregado (todavía documentado como Electricidad Sin Control de Precios) para crear una infraestructura basada en las tecnologías de información y comunicaciones, que con el tiempo va a agregar mucho más valor con un mercado inteligente en la cadena de valor de la electricidad al por mayor y al detalle, que lo que una infraestructura de red inteligente de transporte (no de extremo a extremo) pueda proporcionar por sí sola.

Third update: Cuando el futuro no es una continuación del pasado, hay una 3ra opción: aprender a pescar con el Jobsismo. Como se puede ver en video ¿Qué es el emprendedurismo social?, El señor Xavier Serbia, en su programa CNN Dinero, entrevistó por separado al señor Andrés Pesce, de Fundación Chile, y al señor Federico Fernández, de la escuela de gerencia IESA, para responder esa gran pregunta. Por ejemplo, en respuesta a ¿deben las empresas que tienen como objetivo generar riqueza apoyar el emprendimiento social?, el señor Pesce afirmó que "las empresas que no lo hagan lo pagarán muy caro." Interpreto de su respuesta que a la larga todo emprendimiento deberá ser social si es que se aspira a perseguir el lema de la Cumbre de Prosperidad con Equidad.

Dos temas que salieron a relucir en la entrevista al señor Fernandez fueron la ambición y el cambio de emprendedurismo por necesidad que dicen se realiza en América Latina (y el Caribe) y el emprendedurismo por oportunidad que dicen se genera en Estados Unidos y Europa. Sugiero que para impulsar la Prosperidad con Equidad es necesario fundir mucha ambición con oportunidades.

Ese es precisamente el sentido de la nota ¿Podrán Latinoamérica y el Caribe brincar fábricas con cadenas de valor que reduzcan la pobreza y la desigualdad? que destaca las grandes oportunidades que tenemos para brincar (leapfrog) a la nueva civilización que se concentra en la opción de aprender del futuro emergente con el sentido común del Jobsismo, en vez de aprender del pasado a pescar como sugiere el sentido común del Fordismo, que lamentablemente ha sido contaminado con el sentido común del Feudalismo, dando lugar a la gran depresión global que enfrentamos. Lo que sigue puede considerarse como una actualización de dicha nota con los planteamientos que impulsa, por ejemplo, la flexibilidad estructural.

Second update: Should the Dominican Republic turn around its electricity service towards the global market? Being restricted to apply risk management, the Smart Grid is a dead end unable to address systemic failures, as we now know that those kinds of failures must be addressed by leading under uncertainty which is the approach considered in the background of this post. In addition to the details given below, this GMH blog has a large part of its background and also in the EWPC Blog that's getting close to 1,000,000 views.

Having learn that, Should the Dominican Republic consider a turn around of its risk management expansion plan of its local electricity sector as an institutional innovation to develop instead a Smart Market that will export its services to the global market? Right now there is a unique opportunity to consider such turn around based on a Declaration of Interdepedence at the Panama Summit that will run on April 10 and 11. Clarifying the first update, Dr. Iraima Capriles is the Executive Director of the Economic and Social Council of the Dominican Republic that is dealing with a local approach to the Electricity Pact.
First update: curation of transcript and translation of Nobel Prize winner Michael Spence video as a suggestion for the VII cumbre de las Américas.. Antes de pasar a la transcripción curada y la traducción, sintetizo que el Dr. Spence descubrió que el mayor crecimiento potencial, especialmente para los países en desarrollo, está en el acceso al mercado global, donde lo que más importa depende de donde estas.

La traducción puede servir para apoyar la sugerencia del ejemplo de la nota La In(ter)dependencia responde a lo que le preocupa a la gente, para que consideren elaborar una Declaración de Interdependencia de las Américas, como prerequisito a la Prosperidad con Equidad. Es así como cobra gran sentido la nota de octubre del 2006 De la Luz que no Alumbra a la Estrategia Marca-País, que destaca lo que más nos importa.

Next is the curation:
If you look across countries that are performing well, say in the post-crisis period, but even before that, the correlation between structural flexibility and speed of recovery in economic performance is just extraordinarily high. America's doing better and it is structurally flexible. China is doing pretty well as structurally flexible. Europe in the south is not structurally flexible, you know, and is really having trouble adapting to these very powerful forces. We are heading for a world in which the vast majority of most economies even developing ones are going to be services or services and construction. And that's just a very different world and it requires flexibility to get there. And I think the point that probably is worth emphasizing is it's possible to resist this but the price you pay is growth. 
Y ahora la traducción:
Si se mira a través de los países que tienen un buen desempeño, por ejemplo en el período posterior a la crisis, pero incluso antes de eso, la correlación entre la flexibilidad estructural y la velocidad de la recuperación en el desempeño económico es extraordinariamente alta. Estados Unidos de América lo está haciendo mejor y es estructuralmente flexible. China lo está haciendo bastante bien como estructuralmente flexible. Sabemos que los países del sur de Europa no son estructuralmente flexibles y realmente tienen problemas para adaptarse a estas fuerzas tan poderosas. Nos dirigimos hacia un mundo en el que la gran mayoría de la mayoría de las economías, incluso las en desarrollo, van a estar en los servicios o en servicios y construcción. Y eso es exactamente un mundo muy diferente que requiere flexibilidad para llegar allí. Y creo que el punto de que probablemente vale la pena destacar es que es posible resistir esto, pero el precio que se paga es el crecimiento.
Michael Spence: structural flexibility for labor adaptation is for services not manufacturing