1. Please Blame the Deregulation and Regulation Fiascos Parte 19
7 May 2006
Len, think of the banking sector in the 1930’s. How in the world did they transition from chaos to an open market where the little old lady was not at the mercy of large banks? Think of Roosevelt facing a systemic crisis in which he ...
2. Please Blame the Deregulation and Regulation Fiascos Parte 18
7 May 2006
Len Gould has ask me to satisfy him with a response:. Mr Vanderhorst-Silverio: Can you describe for me how you propose to transition from the present over-regulated "model" to an open market model without placing all (esp. small ...
3. Please Blame the Deregulation and Regulation Fiascos Parte 17
7 May 2006
Dear Prof. Banks, I have taken Dick's bet as mine: "I bet the failure to deregulate would fail. I would never bet against actual deregulation. You are welcome to your opinion about deregulation, but consider Dr. Vanderhorst-Silverio’s ...
4. Please Blame the Deregulation and Regulation Fiascos Parte 16
7 May 2006
Thanks Dick, My original statement had to do with the issue that regulators are not the real winners or losers. The central idea was that we don't need them at all as intermediaries in Electricity WPC for the customer. ...
5. Please Blame the Deregulation and Regulation Fiascos Parte 15
7 May 2006
Dick Maclay has added the following comment to the EnergyPulse article Post hoc ergo propter hoc: The fallacy of blaming deregulation for rising electricity prices in response to my last post. Jose Antonio, I followed your links, ...
6. Please Blame the Deregulation and Regulation Fiascos Parte 14
6 May 2006
Prof. Banks and other Gentlemen, Ferdinand is correct about riots in the Dominican Republic. The riots came by a big misunderstanding of consultants and multilateral organizations about the impact of irrational rationing. ...
7. Please Blame the Deregulation and Regulation Fiascos Parte 13
6 May 2006
Ferdinand E. Banks added another comment to EnergyPulse on this series,. Jose, do you know the song 'I hear you knocking but you can't come in? ' Well, we've almost got the same problem here, except that although the door is open and ...
8. Please Blame the Deregulation and Regulation Fiascos Parte 12
6 May 2006
Another article can be written with the title of Avoiding the Separation Fallacy, to show that the extension of Schweppe's mental model might be the winning form of restructuring. Most of the arguments are dispersed in EnergyPulse and ...
9. Please Blame the Deregulation and Regulation Fiascos Parte 11
51 minutes ago by José Antonio Vanderhorst Silverio, PhD
Mr. Maclay and other Gentlemen, Thanks Dick for your comment. I like very much the qualifying insights to my humble posts. My response has two parts. In this one I address paragraphs 2, 3, and 4. In the second I will write about the ...
10. Please Blame the Deregulation and Regulation Fiascos Parte 10
6 May 2006
Gentlemen, I forgot to acknowledge that my previous message was also intended to Mr. Casten, Mr. Swinand, Mr. Malinowski, Mr. Pflaum, and Mr. Tanton. Today I am very busy, but to keep the ball roling I will answer Steve, and partially ...
11. Please Blame the Deregulation and Regulation Fiascos Parte 9
6 May 2006
Ferdinand E. Banks has posted another comment:. The consumers and legislators who bought the deregulation scam bought it because they were told that electricity prices would be lower. Like me, the average rate payer doesn't care about ...
12. Please Blame the Deregulation and Regulation Fiascos Parte 8
6 May 2006
Dick Maclay is suggesting that my insights be considered in the following quote:. Len, Southwest was profitable for years offering lower fares than American, while American lost money. That speaks to overall efficiency. ...
13. Please Blame the Deregulation and Regulation Fiascos Parte 7
6 May 2006
Steve Rozenman responded positively to my post on EnergyPulse as follows:. Jose Antonio I read your recent comments in the above reference. You definitely present a consistent and rational view on the prospect of successfull ...
14. Please Blame the Deregulation and Regulation Fiascos Parte 6
4 May 2006
Ref: Please Blame the Deregulation and Regulation Fiascos Parte 5 To Mr. Golden, Mr. Prof. Banks, Mr. Maclay, Mr. Gould, Mr. Rosenman, and Mr. Olivier. I suggest that the article thesis is mistaken by being based on Hogan's mental model ...
15. Please Blame the Deregulation and Regulation Fiascos Parte 5
4 May 2006
© 2006. José Antonio Vanderhorst-Silverio, PhD Interdepedent Consultant on Electricity There are 3 mental models behind restructuring: Enron's, Bill Hogan's and the one that I am proposing as an extension of Schweppe's mental model. ...
16. Muy Bueno y Claro Parte 2
3 May 2006
Ref: Muy Bueno y Claro Estimado Bernardo, Para realizar mejores comparaciones de precios de electricidad aquí, en Chile y en Panamá, hace varios meses que te sugerí emplear una orientación al cliente en la comparación de las tarifas. ...
17. Reactivemos el Sector Eléctrico y Apoyemos las Exportaciones a ...
1 May 2006
Re: Muy Bueno y Claro Estimados Bernardo y Luis, 1) Si bien entiendo las conclusiones, los precios de generación no están tan mal para la coyuntura. No es posible bajar 30% como dice la CDEEE a los precios de generación. ...
18. Muy Bueno y Claro
1 May 2006
Luis Gracias Siempre hemos estado conscientes de que el problema son los cobroos Los de las plantas con menor costo de generacion siempre ha sido una vision a mediano y largo plazo Naturalmentre, luego de tantas horas en reuniones, ...
19. Please Blame The Deregulation and Regulation Fiascos Parte 4
27 Apr 2006
Re: Please Blame The Deregulation and Regulation Fiascos Parte 3 Len Gould said: It seems to need re-stating. There are many social benefits which cannot be delivered by competitive market systems. I REALLY need to hear Reaganomics ...
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