jueves, mayo 25, 2006

Presentación Haina Parte 15

Gracias Bernardo,

La mente humana es maravillosa, pero lamentablemente el inconsciente nos traiciona muchas veces. La estabilidad de la Segunda Ola hemos pasado a un tiempo de gran incertidumbre. Cuando nuestros modelos mentales están equivocados nuestro juicio serán equivocados. El capítulo 1 del libro Powerful Times describe el proceso subyacente:

This story holds important insight for us today as we wrestle with an uncertain and accelerating world. Every decision we make—in business, in government, in our personal lives—plays out over time and is influenced by knowledge (based primarily on our known facts and experience) and judgment (based primarily on our perceptions, or "mental maps"). If our maps are wrong, our judgment will be wrong. Worse, even our knowledge is heavily influenced by our mental maps. These maps not only reflect how we see things, but also profoundly influence what things we see, the facts we choose to gather. Our mental maps, then, act as powerful filters. They can help us make sense and meaning but can also serve to inhibit our ability to perceive and understand what is happening in the world. And they are extremely resistant to change. Indeed, by framing what we observe and then how we interpret what we observe, they so influence our perceptions as to become tacitly self-reinforcing devices.
Otro abrazo más,

José Antonio

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